That last bit of the title was for my DH friends--sorry about the shouting..
I am a slack, slack blogger, but in my defense ALOT has been going on...
**We got packed out this week...(all of my stuff is on it's way to Charleston as we
Steve leaves soon for his deployment of a year, which in all actuality turns out to be 430 days when you add in the pre-training, etc that goes on. In Becky's mind he's going to the Caribbean...
I have an AWFUL class this semester...it's a history of women in the arts class...I really thought I would enjoy it, and I took it because it is out of my realm and was something I was interested in, however the teacher is a BITCH...
***OHHHH Steve bought me a new car, I get to pick it up when I go to Charleston...BRAND FLIPPIN SPANKING NEW...I've never had a BRAND NEW CAR that I get to put one of the first (well the first 10) miles on it...I'm excited...well there is a backstory to that one, but hey another day..I've already bored you enough for a Monday--or Tuesday...whatever.