Thirteen People in my address book
1…. Tabbi/Micah Lambert..we met them in Panama City when Steven was in school..Tabbi was preggers and now her baby is 1...ahh Happy Birthday Joci.
2. Riley/Carmen Holifield...my grandfather and his wife...he married her 8 months after my grandmother died..oh boy was that a family ummm affair/uproar
3. Nancy/Eddie Fortson....my mother and father..still married..sometimes I wonder why??? but they still are
4. Angie/Brian Barber...our friends from Panama City..just moved to Oklahoma City...I really like and miss them...they just moved into a new house...gotta call them
5. Angela Villa...truly my oldest friend..I met her in High School...a bunch of moons ago..and she is still wild and crazy..you go girl.
6. Amanda/Richard Smith...my sister and her hubby (we affectionately call him serial killer because he looks like one)..they have one child Hunter who she calls Demon Spawn..now really what did she expect marrying a Serial Killer????\
7. Brian Moore....my Brother in Law..favorite Brother in law...He just got married..Congratulations...He's also got two kids..Sean Michael and Katy
8. Lehanne Bailey...my friend..she's a cop..she's got a gun and attitude..
9. Jenni/Joe Cammorata...my other sister and her hubby...Rumor is he has an uncle who is connected...ohhh Soprano's...they have two children Ariane and Joey..
10. Stephanie/Larry Taylor...I really like these people..she is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet...have one child Christopher and one on the way ...
11. Allen/Annessa Culbreth...she is such a sweetie..he is Allen (j/k)...they live in Hawaii..how lucky are they????
12. Ed/Chris Moore...Steven's father/stepmother...he loves to fish..she loves to bitch...(j/k..I liked the rhyme)...nice people..great people really
13. Suzy Moore...Steven's mom...she truly walks to the beat of a different drummer..but hey that's a good thing...:D
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