Wednesday, September 12, 2007

*****And Now for the Funny*****

So, last night I asked Steven if he wanted to see what I was wearing to the Air Force Ball and of course he said yes...

I came out in a little lingerie dress thingie..he hmmmm'ed and hawed...and well just kept um um um um uum um um um um um

I let it go for about 5 minutes until I told him I was messing and showed him my real dress.

He didn't think it was quite as funny as I did...


Amanda said...

that is too funny... i wish i could have seen his face...i hope i can find a man that will love me like steven loves you...<3

Qtpies7 said...

Where's the picture? It is much more fun for us if you share pictures, lol.
I love pulling stuff like that. I found an old pregnancy test and showed it to my husband, it was funny!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

That's good!

Becky L said...

Oh, a Ball. Sounds fun. Any reason to get dressed up...

Abigail S said...

I agree with my sister [Becky L, commenting above mine]
Any reason to dress up is a good reason.

Special K ~Toni said...

Gag! Wouldn't waste my time going to that- but you know how I am in real life.

So Steven is slow, eh? ;)