Back by popular demand (thanks Stacy I missed you too..and honey I always miss you and those dreams I've been having wooo..let me tell you...OH MY)..anyway. I made it back to the states and feel 110% better lately. I've come to the conclusion I am a beach girl I NEED TO BE NEAR THE BEACH (or at least within 30 miles.). Other than having to deal with my CRAZY family..(and they are CRAZY) things are good.
OK so here's what's happened since I've gotten home..
1) Kat (13 year old) got her first period...and that really helped her attitude 300%..she is totally a different child. Before this she was a walking bag of hormones...
2) I rented a beautiful house..I move in Sept. 15.. I'll post pics when I move in and get my stuff in.
3) Kids started school..YAY!!! Quiet is not overrated.
4) I made Amanda's boyfriend cry...(might tell you about that tommorrow.) don't want to ruin your opinion that I'm all sweet and innocent and all...ya know..
Ugh... I'm trying very hard not to think about the time to come when Erica will start all that hormone stuff. Ick.
" I am a beach girl I NEED TO BE NEAR THE BEACH"
ME TOO!!!! I LOVE the sun...LOVE IT! ;)
Welcome back! :)
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