Friday, May 28, 2010


ahh GLEE my newest LOVE..I find myself singing along with every episode and it makes me uber happy...Great show..I'm sooo glad my daughter turned me onto this..

in other news..onto the DRAMA..

HELP what do you do when you are part of a club and the president is an uber (BTW that's my new it..) paranoid person..they *think* they have to be informed of EVERY little thing going on, are worried there are secrets being kept from them and loves to throw around the words: "I AM PRESIDENT".. ughhh..I want to quit because I don't need the drama, but I need to be there for the good of other children and families. I have been told if I quit that others will and then the club will be no help..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Ok I've proved I'm a bad I thought I would set myself some goals here.

1) Blog once a day (except on weekends..unless something really fun happens)

2) Get up and clean at least one room a day (yes I'm a bad housekeeper too)

3) Finish projects..starting with my notebook LOL

What about you? do you have goals?? Wanna help me?