**Thank you Nello Design for the banner**
I haven't done one of these in a few weeks but I feel it's time to start again...(the hubz is back home and life is getting back to normal LOL) so this week's Thursday Thirteen is dedicated to an ASSWIPE WHO DEPLOYED TO THE AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY....Thirteen Reasons I think you are a WEAK COWARDLY LITTLE MAN...
**by the way this IS NOT my hubz..he is still a sweetie..this is my friends...
1. YOU took vows to her...did they not mean anything to you???
2. YOU sent her an EMAIL to ask for a divorce...you couldn't even give her the courtesy to tell her face to face.
3. YOU slept with another woman..which by the way is against the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) in the first place--and punishable with jail time!!
4. YOU are an officer in the military and you are supposed to conduct yourself as one, YET you did not..you conducted yourself as a 12 year old junior high school student.
5. YOU sat there and flip floped for days on her and gave her hope and then you smashed her.
6. SHE is one of the most amazing woman because she still, after all this, wants to give you a chance and worries about YOU
7. I thought YOU were better than this. I don't know this person who is doing this.
8. WHAT THE HELL do you mean you don't love her like a man should a wife and you've been acting to yourself and everyone else?? you can't act that good otherwise you should probably go to Hollywood and get a job Nicholas Cage.
9. WHAT kind of example do you think you are setting for your children...your daughter is 12 and your son is 10..and they know something is going on..are you going to teach them this is the way a MAN ACTS TOWARDS A WOMAN..is this the WAY YOU WANT A MAN TO TREAT YOUR DAUGHTER????
10. YOU left her here to deal with the kids..and explain this situation you created to them..they aren't stupid and they aren't young.
11. BACK to the affair...WHAT THE HELL were you thinking--seriously--I CANNOT CONDONE OR UNDERSTAND THIS...
12. SHE DIDN'T try to "force your hand" by asking you to choose "her friendship" or to "try to repair" your marriage..you need to step back and realize that by having a "friendship" with THAT WOMAN you were still emotionally involved with her.
As always, please leave a comment and a linky here..it's rude to link and run...LOL..
ooh, now you've got me mad. :)
what a jerk!
thanks for visiting my tt this week.
I hope that your friend is doing okay and the kids! Sending hugs! ((())) Having you as a friend I'm sure helps her too!
This male homo sapien sounds like a complete waste of utterly good carbon. I'm so mad that I think I might have to come on over to scratch his eyes out!
Oh my god, what a powerful list I sure wasn't expecting this...a similar event happened with one of my friends and we spent a lot of time with her crying an dhurt. #9 I think is the most powerful because he is teaching his children these kinds of attitudes and ethics. and would he want his daughter to be treated this manner.
Please send positive message to your poor friend and tell her out here in blogland I will meditate and say a little prayer for her and hope she can hold on. I suspect she must be a good person with such a tolerant patient attitude.
This is my first try at TT and mine are up at my blog...
I hope he reads this. I can't believe he did this. Your fury is justified. I'm praying for his family...what an ass to do this to them...all for his hooha & ego! Creap!
Ouch. The guy deserves to be shot. Twice. That's just my male perspective. Thanks for stopping by my T13.
Very nice site! » »
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