Thursday, March 22, 2007

Time Out

I need a Mommy Time out my friends..otherwise I'm going to have at least 1--at most 3 less kids today.

It's been one of those days...Snowing, nasty, cold..(I thought someone said it was spring....LIAR) and the kids have been well the usual..Screaming, Hateful, Little, BRATS. ALL of them.

And to top that off I went and got my books for next semester and ...hold your breath...

THEY.HAVE.NO.PICTURES.IN.THEM. Seriously how do they expect me to like a class when my books have no pictures????

Ok..I'm going to go hide in my closet..noone tell them where I am..OK?


Anonymous said...

Feel better.


Anonymous said...

Feel better.


Special K ~Toni said...

beat the kids and draw some pictures!

Becky said...


toni..I would but they stole my crayons...BRATS.

Anonymous said...

I have found that dirty socks and duct tape really do help. You just have to make sure the socks are REALLY dirty.