Hi all and welcome to the PARTY!!!--First the basics my name is Becky and at last count I think I saw about 5 or 6 kids around here. They tell me only 3 are mine but H.E.L.L.O...who else is here eating my food--I would like to know??? I have some wine out for people so go ahead and have some....and remember
NO Drinking and Blogging..(and if you do please let me know cause you know I'm coming to read it!!)
Just comment and let me come read you...woohoo...
Ok off to read blogs..
Thanks go out to 5 minutes for mom for hosting..and getting cool goodies for us...:D..
Haha!! 3 DOES feel like 5 or 6 sometimes!
Hi Becky!! Three kids here as well. Cripes. That's all I can say about that . . . :-)
I think one of those kids floating around may be mine. Happy to meet you at the party!
Hey Girlie girl! I'm serving Twinkies and soda (or beer)- I'm a class act!
Mmmmmm.. thanks for the wine. Hits the spot after a long spate of party hopping. I'm glad to meet you and have bookmarked your blog so I can come back and visit more later... when I can sit down and chat a bit. Have a wonderful party time!
Hey! I know where your food is going! My guys are eating it. I only have the two, but geez louise, they're human vacuum cleaners. lol
I'll take a cup of wine ... or two ... or three .... or five.
veer haben uns lange nich mier ga zane (i know the spelling is wrong...but it is the one german line i know!)
it is nice to find that my party hopping has brought me to germany.
i love a good reisling...and i am not embarassed to say that.
no drinking and blogging?
does coffee count? i dont think i could blog w/o coffee
Hi pamperingbecki and melissa..thanks for stopping by.
Amber..ah so that's at least one of the extras...boy they eat ALOT don't they???
Toni..beer and twinkies..ohhh girlie I'm coming over now.
Judy..I can't wwait to get to know you.
karen..I've got enough wine to go around..remember the no drinking and blogging unless I'm involved too ;D
exskindiver..you would SOOO love my house..I'm working on our wine shipment now and think I have in excess of 200 bottles.
becky..drinking coffee and doing ANYTHING is always acceptable.
Do you really have 6 children? Wow! I guess I shouldn't complain about taking care of my 2. hee hee.
Just making the Ultimate Blog Party rounds and wanted to stop by and say hi. I'll be back again during the week to see what's going on around here.
If you get a chance, please stop by and check out my photo contest and daily book giveaway.
Saying hi from the party. I'm party hopping.
Naturally I drink and blog occasionally, look out for Tipsy Typing labels :)
Hello there. Hopped over from 5 Minutes for Mom. Hope you don’t mind the visit, and future ones.
I have two kids. But I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. My uncles has 12 children. No kidding.
Have a great week.
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party. Nice to meet ya.
I will be starting my 3rd party favor give away later tonight. Come on over when ya get a chance.
Party hopping!
My dad was stationed in Germany when I was a pre-schooler (Army), my sister is in the AirForce and really wants to go to Germany herself, instead she's headed to South Dakota.
Anyway, nice to meet you!
Hey, with 3 girls of my own (ages 4, 2, and 1) I know what you mean about the kiddos keeping you busy! Thanks for the party. I hope you are enjoying yourself. I know I am. I'll come back later when blogging is not so crazy busy. Have fun!
I love drunken blogging! (Of course, they kind of frown on it here at work...;)
Helloooooooo from Illinois. Stopped in via The Ultimate Blog Party. So very nice to meet you. You have a lovely place here. Stop by and visit mine sometime.
Hi, I'm Adam from All Things Film, & I found your blog through the Blog Party. Just stopping by to say hello!
Cute new puppy and happy birthday to your dd!
Hi Becky! I didn't get around much during party week...so, yeah, I know I'm late, but better late than never, right? Hope you had a great party...I'll help clean up! Read through a little of your blog and liked what I saw...hope to be back soon! Blessings!
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