Well, It's O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L....he's a boy!!! We got our first (of many I am assured) set of stitches Friday night. Nice Huh??? He was jumping on the couch...first of all I said JUMPING.ON.THE.FLIPPIN.COUCH. and hit a piece of metal that I had put on the couch to keep him from using it as a weapon against his sister
~~aside here~~ he loves to hear his sisters scream any which way he can..he found a metal bar that goes in the closet and likes to chase them around to hear them yell...I can put it up..he'll find it...BRAT~~aside over~~
Anywho...he hit the metal bar and GASHED his toe..may I add...ONE bite into dinner...off to the ER...he was GREAT at the ER..hardly any crying..until they put lidocaine into the cut to numb it...then he wanted to fight us (and the 2 med techs) until he got up and he could see them stitching...
Steven says on the way home (he almost cried by the way--Steven that is NOT Connor)..."He's such a little man, a trooper, I was afraid his sisters were going to take his 'man gene's' away from him..I'm glad to see they didn't.." followed by a little snorting and coughing from me...
Next Post...our new addition to the family...... ;)
Tell the truth, you were beating that baby! Weren't you??
Hope he recovers quickly!
He is older than Joey was when he got his first "stitches". They used that liquid stitch on him because it was on (in) his eyebrow...kiss my boy!
Oh I just know I never would've made the real live visual of that...my eyes would've rolled right up into my head and I'd have hit the floor. I am SUCH a WUSS!
its funny to hear what steven said about connor's accident, that its proving him to be a man. my hubby would say the same thing. He calls all of his scars "battle wounds."
Mom of 3 boys here, ages 17, 14, and 11...honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! ;) had our own trip to the ER just last Monday--knee hockey stick (mini-stick for indoor play...wooden of course) in the eye. Purely an accident but when they're this big, the accidents are bigger!!
I came for the party and could so relate to this post just had to comment here! Stop on by...I love visitors!
Oh I cringed when reading this! Eek!
Glad he is ok now.
Happy blog party week!
EUGH! I have a 12 and a 15 year old and so far we have had no stitches. We have had emergency room visits, just nothing that needed stitches.
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