What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
The ultimate snack food for me would be quacamole and chips. I love love love that stuff.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
Probably a 7 honestly. It's a pretty common last name.
Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
Remember Momma from 'Momma's Family'? It has soooo got to be her. She was great...telling people exactly like it was.
Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
Do I shop online??? hahahhaha let me laugh here..I am the queen of online shopping. I love ebay and amazon, old navy, Disney...ermmm well anywhere really...
Fill in the blank: I think ___________ should be ___________.
I think *my cat* should be *off my monitor*. Seriously she must be feeling 'unloved' because she is sitting in front of the monitor this morning and trying to type around kitty butt is kinda hard...Must go give her some kitty loving..
Lovely feast. Thanks for the visit to mine too
guacamole and chips sounds good!
wonderful feast!
Hail the queen of online shopping!! And, I really like your dessert. Cute kitty.
Great feast! Thanks for dining with me. :)
Happy weekend!
Your kitty must be jealous with all those blogging time :)
Happy Friday! My feast is up as well! :)
Oh, Mama was so funny! I love to watch the old Carol Burnett show clips where Carol played Eunice. Those two were hilarious together!
LOVE your site! I'm glad I found it! :)
ha--funny image of you and the cat. Happy Friday.
Wow, what a wonderful looking blog. I love all your graphics. Haven't got to read the content all do that after I read my friday rounds. You served a good meal. thanks
Love your blog. I can just seeing your cat. Cats are so funny.
Great Feast! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend!
What a great feast - and a great blog!! I'm so glad you stopped by mine because it led me here! You are way cool - and I think we have a lot in common (I have a 13-year-old daughter who can be a drama queen herself, and raised up a drama king who had serious issues with discipline - now he's in the Navy - go figure!). I'll be back! Glad I found you!
Yummy. Guacamole is my favorite part of any mexican meal :) Maybe I can convince my husband to go get some tonight!
Love your appetizer!!
Oh my, your cat probably feel she's neglected..just kidding. Great feast!
Your dessert is funny, I understand because I have 2 cats! Happy Feating!
Great feast today! Forgot about the guacamole with my chips. Oh well. Loved Momma's Family. Watched it all the time. Such a funny character! Your cat must be related to mine!
Mine is up...come on over!
That picture of food is making me hungry! Anyone up for some Red Lobster?
Great feast! Thanks for visiting.
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