I have a little problem here friends. I mean how many times is the neighboorhood going to see my tata's??? The kids' I mean..
First Time: I was taking a shower, singing Fergalicious, having a good ole time...you know- one where you got to shower by yourself..and I look up and notice that there are about 7 heads outside my shower...I ONLY HAVE 3 KIDS..where did these extra heads come from??? stick my head out and there are the neighboorhood kids...deciding now is the EXACT time to ask me if they can have a popsicle...Lucky me my shower is beveled otherwise they would've seen more than they wanted to I Promise!!!!
What did I say?? YES, c'mon you know they had me between a rock and a hard place.
Second time: Last night I was getting ready for bed and looked up when 4 little boys from the neighborhood were looking in my window and said..no kidding "Hi Ms. Becky"..yep you got it they all got a look at the tata's..Probably was fine as I'm about as developed as a 13 year old girl. But anywho, these kids were out at 8:30 ON A SCHOOL NIGHT..So, when someone's mother come's to my door..I'll make sure to inform said woman that 8:30 on a school night is a bit late for the little boogers to be out and looking in my window is probably not cool either..
That is too funny. We have had similar problems in our neighborhood (we live on base). Some parents really need to teach their kids better manners.
I will NOT take a shower unless Joe is home or all the kids are in bed for exactly that reason! All the neighborhood likes to come to my house and play...don't know why because I'm a meanie!
magnolia..I know..what kind of parent lets their kid into other peoples houses??? seriously and to ask if they could all have a popsicle...
Oh, this is funny! You'll be a neighborhood legend...
Oh I'd have been ticked off!
Too funny!!!!
Oh no! How embarassing!
My sister's strapless swimsuit once fell down at the beach. She flashed everyone there. Maybe that will make you feel better!
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