Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Ok I'm a slacker I admit it...I'm sorry for (fill in excuse here) blah blah blah..How about we just go straight to a little update.

~~ I'm potty training Connor this week...Wow he's a stinker...It's more like who's more stubborn around here..(he's winning)...He will go only when he wants to. So I set a timer and EVERY thirty minutes its to the potty for us..He's the ONLY kid I've ever met that pees on command.

~~ Still working with Lizzies Daisy troop, the OCSC and Bazaar. (Amanda YOU would know this if you actually READ my blog...)

~~ Just finished mid-terms. Now I have a six page article critique due on the 14th...Can we say ughhhh....

~~ Ummm yeah that's about all...

~~ OMG I'm UBER excited....Army Wives just started here..I love it already..

~~ Tomorrow I'll post a Kat-Liz funny...

Peace out....

1 comment:

Special K ~Toni said...

Yay! You got Army Wives! Prepare to cry every single episode!