So, last night I had a wee bit of insomnia, woke up at 3:30 to go to the restroom (TMI) and couldn't get back to sleep at all...so anyhooo' around 5:00 I could smell coffee...(and it smelled GOOD) now, I haven't made coffee in my house in over a month..so it wasn't coming from here, and our walls aren't THAT thin...so the only thing I can come up with are:
1) Dear Hubs and/or the cat are now farting in coffee smells...
2) My new *spideysense* has kicked in...
3) or I have a new migraine symptom --
So, what do you think???
All three interesting possibilities.....
Hopefully it's #2 - because #1 is kinda scary and #3 just no fun (altho I have heard that can be a migraine symptom).
Maybe you were just subconsiously craving coffee. No wonder you couldn't sleep!
That would be one strange migraine symptom for sure...
Popped in to let you know there is now a variety of tags for your website that announce that you are a Magnificent Mama of the Universe, please pop in and get one.
The Mama Bear
Wow. I sure wish The PK's farts smelled like coffee! ;)
And if my pizza started tasting like blueberries? Oh I'd be pissed.
Maybe it really IS a Spideysense!!! Wouldn't that be cool? ;)
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