It's been a L.O.N.G. week here at Casa ala Moore. The kids are still home on Christmas vacation (seriously Christmas is over--can't they go back to school yet??) So, of course that means fight, whine, fight, whine, fight, Mommy needs some WINE!!!. Add that to the fact the kids all got sick New Years Eve.
Kat is still in bed SICK!!!! However I must admit that the absence of teenage hormones these past few days has been nice.
Lizzie just got over being sick...which means back to the incessent whining.
Connor -- well lately he's had a plethora of meltdowns...is that normal for a 3 1/2 year old??
Oh did I mention Steven is on leave this week and seems to be home to annoy me????
Such is the life I tell you.
awe! Hope things settle down soon for yoU!
I'm sure that in 10 years time you will look back to these busy (and frustrating?) times with joy. And miss all the noise and life around.
Happy New Year
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