Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I've been a BUSY LIL BEE

So my faithful...(ok y'all can stop the laughing NOW) friends...I've been as busy as all get out lately...Let me catch you up with just my last week

My friend..lets just call her **A**'s hubby decided he wanted a divorce way back around the beginning of July, well things Seem to be looking maybe up for her..he has at least agreed to counseling to "make sure he isn't making the wrong decision"...She has forgiven him for his "transgressions" but I haven't so maybe we (him and I) might need counseling also??? (Well short of me hanging him up by his gonads on the bases pride and joy)

Because **A** had to deal with her own life I took over some of her other responsibilites having to do with the OCSC (Officer Civilian Spouses Club) to my enlisted friends (Old Witches Coven)...and I've been working on their website gi ahead and give it a click and feel free to give me glowing compliments...only glowing ones mind you..Thank you...I'm also going to be editing their newsletter...It's actually been quite fun...:D

I've been shopping :sigh: for Katherine's school items and well that's been lots fun let me tell you. She just get's mouthier and mouthier as the day's go by...Makes me just want to do as the Europeans do and send her to boarding school until she turns 18...Not a bad idea really...

Steven had a heartbeat and was breathing so he made First Lt. WE had to buy the cake and the sodas for his promotion party as ORDERED by his boss...OK not really ordered but strongly I (well y'all know me) had them put on his cake on the edge Yay ME!!!


Anonymous said...

why didn't you tell me that he got promoted????? i'm still family, right????? should have taken a picture of the cake for all to have loved to see the "Yay ME!!!"

love ya!

Anonymous said...

as for the website...liked it better with the list on the side...looked better........find something else that will work!