Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Few Thoughts

Well, I'm back from being sick this weekend...

I got Strep-Throat and had 'Mr. Thorough Doctor' he looked at my throat (I had already looked at it) and said he wouldn't put me on anti-biotics unless I tested positive..so he had his person come do a culture..even she looked at my throat and asked if he'd seen it...

So, anyway had to wait 24 hours for it to come back positive...and they put me on 2000 mg of penicillin a day -- does that seem a bit much to anyone???

Feeling better and have Finals this week...Tonights final is for Computer Ethics...

***I should be studying, but seriously what fun would that be???****

I haven't given this class the attention it deserves, but it's hard to when there is really no interaction and the teaching style is not one you like...ughhhh

Anywho..I guess I'll go work on my cheat sheet right now..


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Strep throat is THE WORST! Do you have those little white bumps on the back of your throat too? i hate those.

That DOES seem like a high dose of drugs...but then again, I have no idea about that stuff.

Glad you're feeling better...and good luck on the finals! :)

Self-Proclaimed Supermom said...

Hope you get better soon :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me strep Becky!! They did a culture, but the Dr. said he doesn't have to wait to know I am positive for it. I am on 1500 mg of amoxicillin a day. I will see you at Crud practice.

Jen said...

the doc was doing the right thing....just because it looks like strep doesn't' mean it is...take it from someone that knows...anyway. 2000mg a day is high, but you must have been really bad off and he needed you on that high dose. me, i have cellulitis on my ear...you know that soft tissue infection...so am on keflex...not sure of the dosage will let you know. my doc isn't even sure it's that, so he just wants me to get better. i never go in unless i "have" to...got better uses for that $25. anyway...love ya!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.