**Today's Guest Edition is Going to be done by my 11 yo daughter Katherine..I promised her she could..it's her own Thursday 13...I should make her do one on Thirteen reasons why I'm driving my mother insane..but....do I really want to know???

**Thanks to Kelly of Nello design for the Banner this week.
Thirteen Things to do this Summer By Kat...
1. Go to a park.
2. Visit Hollywood,California.
3. See Disney World (very fun).
4. Go to a water park get wet.
5. Take a walk (good exersise).
6. Teach the neighbors kids (or yours)to cook.
7. Turn off the computer and play with your kids (they will be happy)
8. Plant and then climb a tree.
9. Party!!
10. Dedicate a day to your kids (and i'm not talkin birthday).
11. Give your kids some schooling (even though they'll hate it).
12. Create a HANDMADE cake (you'll have fun).
13. Lastly (and please do this) have a dance off with kids.
This is adorable! I agree. PARTY!! :)
My 11 year olds would ABSOLUTELY agree.
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