Well, It's O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L....he's a boy!!! We got our first (of many I am assured) set of stitches Friday night. Nice Huh??? He was jumping on the couch...first of all I said JUMPING.ON.THE.FLIPPIN.COUCH. and hit a piece of metal that I had put on the couch to keep him from using it as a weapon against his sister
~~aside here~~ he loves to hear his sisters scream any which way he can..he found a metal bar that goes in the closet and likes to chase them around to hear them yell...I can put it up..he'll find it...BRAT~~aside over~~
Anywho...he hit the metal bar and GASHED his toe..may I add...ONE bite into dinner...off to the ER...he was GREAT at the ER..hardly any crying..until they put lidocaine into the cut to numb it...then he wanted to fight us (and the 2 med techs) until he got up and he could see them stitching...
Steven says on the way home (he almost cried by the way--Steven that is NOT Connor)..."He's such a little man, a trooper, I was afraid his sisters were going to take his 'man gene's' away from him..I'm glad to see they didn't.." followed by a little snorting and coughing from me...
Next Post...our new addition to the family...... ;)