Tuesday, February 06, 2007

2nd Post of the Day--don't fall over...

Kat's grades this quarter/semester:

Beginning Band...C Overall: C

Integrated Science: F Overall: D

Language Arts: B- Overall: B+

Mathematics: C+ Overall: B-

Physical Ed: B- Overall: B

Social Studies: D Overall: C

someone's not doing homework or turning it in...So NOT my favorite child right now...So, how do I punish her??

A. She wants to have a birthday party--take it away?? BUT she hasn't had a birthday party in 4 years...

B. Kill her?? I think that's illegal...so it's out

C. Beat her into submission? again I believe illegal..also out.

D. Take away ALL priveledges?? She has none...I think I'm going to ground her from TV on the week days, and well anything that sounds fun...

However, I'm still on the fence on the birthday party....I really want her to have one because she's getting at that age where she wants a "social" life...BUT I don't want to reward her for her grades or recent behaviour. GAW...someone help...Calgon take me AWAY!!


Special K ~Toni said...

Why hasn't she had a bday in 4 years? If she has been punished every time, then it's not working. I would have a very hard time taking this away...

Anonymous said...

Let her have the party...I would take away all extras...Does she like CAP? Do you pay for that? I would tell her that unless she pulls her grades up, then no more! No TV on the weekdays is a great start. Other than sitting over her and making her do it and having a journal or homework log that has to be signed by the teacher and you everyday, so you both know that she did it, then I have no other ideas...call me later (eg: tomorrow). I would ground her from life...not for life. No TV, no computer, no b-day party, no telephone, no friends, no going outside, no reading for pleasure, no nothing. When she's home, she is in her room, door open, sitting on her bed thinking of why she's grounded. When she comes home from school, you make her show you her log and show you her completed work. Good luck!

Special K ~Toni said...

What the hell is CAP??

Anonymous said...

Civil Air Patrol

Special K ~Toni said...

Oh- Thanks. What are you gonna do??

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Yeesh...that's a tough one. Can't really help you out on this one being as I'm not a parent....unless you count my dog...and when she misbehaves, I force her to stay in her cage for a few extra minutes with the door shut.

You could try that with Kat too...but much like those punishments you listed, I think it'd be illegal. ;)

Anonymous said...

Actually, my daughter's couselor told me that if it got to the point where I couldn't handle her, then to lock her in her room until I was calm enough to deal with her.