Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ABC's of Homemaking..

A-B-C's of Homemaking

Toni tagged me for this, Thanks..I've gotta clean to get ready for a party on Friday night and she had to remind me..ughhhh

Aprons- Y/N? - umm no

Baking- only when I'm in the mood...so I guess no

Clothesline- Y/N? nope I live in 'apartment style housing' no clotheslines..and even IF I had one I'd be too lazy..

Donuts- Ever made them? no but there is a woman in a cart who makes the best ones..I COULD give them to the kids and tell them I made them huh???

Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? laundry and it still never is all the way done.

Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? - no but I need one...

Garbage Disposal- Y/N? - No these houses don't have one.

Handbook- Y/N? - what kind of handbook??? Did someone forget to give me one....

Ironing- hahahhahahhhahahahhh...that's all I gotta say

Junk Drawer- Where is it? - I liked having one so much, that I have two! In the kitchen--(OMG ME TOO!!!)

Kitchen- Design and decorating? - um white.

Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? - Love homemaking...no but I would LOVE a MAID

Mop- Y/N? - Yes- every Flippin Day it seems like

Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer? - well no thanks..

Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? - Open to check

Pizza- What do you put on yours? - EVERYTHING

Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? - Define Quiet Moment..there are none..AND if it is quiet..someone's into something.

Recipe card box- Y/N? - No, but I have a BUTTLOAD of recipie books.

Style of house - 4br/2ba..military 'apartment style housing'

Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? - I do have a tablecloth..it goes on and stays on for about 30 minutes before someone usually spills something on it..

Under the kitchen sink - the 'mini me' size maid I hold hostage down there..(Umm hello does she have a sister you could send me??)

Vacuum- How many times a week? About every other day, so 3-4 times

Wash- How many loads do you do a week? - 142 I think..

X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? - again hahahhahahahahhah

Yard- Who does what? - we have no yard..

ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day? changing the toilet paper roll.

I'll tag anyone who wants to do this..and I don't get mad if you don't...:D


Special K ~Toni said...

Ha! Thanks for doing it- I will try and breed my 'mini me' in the near future, ok??

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

If I have to iron it? I don't buy it in the first place! :)

Anonymous said...

I want a "mini-me"! I seriously need a maid but cannot afford one. But hey, my cleaning Nazi is coming home, so hie first order of business is to help me "dig" out my house!...lol

Becky L said...

"quiet momment"
yeah, i never have any either... except when someones getting into trouble. in fact, right now erica is upstairs and i cant hear her.

Pattie said...

Love the ABC meme...cute...may use it someday on my site. Found your site through 5 minutes for mom. Come visit sometime....
By the way, I LOVE your blog design!! The colors are great!