Thirteen opinions Becky has A-M (the rest next week)
1. Animals...I have 2 (well 4 if you count the one I'm 'baysitting' for 8 months) here..and my mother has my other 2 in the states..First we have Bailey, or Bob, or Boy Boy..His first name was Bailey, was changed to Bob cause the guys said it was too girly and then Boy Boy because I didn't like Bob, then Molly, my sweet Momma Kitty..I've had her since she was about 4 weeks old, the one I'm 'babysitting' is named
2. Brokeback Mountain I watched that movies last night and it was so good, only one part made me slightly uncomfortable, but not too much. I cried. So does anyone understand what he meant by that last line..."Jack, I swear"...swear what...anyone...
3. Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely, and I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue...Patsy Cline..sigh one of the greats..I also cry when I watch her movie..Sweet Dreams. Really watch it..
4. DUH...this seems to be the 4 year old's favorite word at the moment...as in "Duh Mom"
5. Energizer...my Bunny's energizer's ran out..MUST.GO.GET.MORE.
6. Flip Flops...really can a person EVER have to many of these???
7. Germany...anyone want to guess why this is in my list..yes you in the back row...because I live there...ohhh yeahhh Take Five Bar for you.
8. He is what I found googling Take Five...HELLO
9. Immigrants...It's been all over the blogs/new/etc. lately..here is my 2cents...America was basically founded on immigrants..it was referred to as a 'melting pot'. I think if an immigrant comes over here..they should be allowed the help they need BUT they need to also be looking for a job/trying to get citizenship too.
10. July...my birthday month..My birthday is actually July 31rst and I will be....hey will you look at that it's time for......
11. Kids..I think we all know how I feel about em.
12. Liver...really who was the first person that thought..."Hey, lets eat that???" Hannibal Lector no doubt
13. Memorial Day is Monday so have a happy one folks..
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Other 13 participants only. And don't forget to leave a comment..
As for #2...here's what I think. I think maybe he was saying "I swear..." because he's going to start changing his life and really living it. He proved he was already starting to change when his daughter announced she was getting married. He said he was going to have to work as it was a busy time of year for him, but then he decided he would be at her wedding because that was more important. Not something the old guy would have done. I think it just meant he swears he's really going to start living now... but I'm just guessing here. :)
You do have to wonder about some things, and who the first person was that said "mmm, let's eat that."
Hope you're feeling better.
I have to laugh with your comment on Hannibal and Liver. Too clever...
Drop by if you can and see if you can guess any of my T - 13 list!
Great descriptive list. Good job!
Does the "duh mom" melt your heart or drive you crazy?
What a good list idea...the alphabet...so novel!
And I agree about liver...ick...what IS that? Apparently you can die if you eat Polar Bear liver...too much vitamin A. Don't know if that's true, or an urban myth, though!
Have a good day!
For # 6. Yes you can have more than 1. One for the outside, one for gardening, one for laundry and one for the inside. See...you can more than 1 (Lol)
Thanks for dropping by.
Spangdahlem, eh? Welcome to Germany!
I used to live in Hamburg, jawohl! enjoyed reading your TT, have a happy long weekend...starting today!
Oh, great, my daughter is going to turn four next month and THAT'S what I got to look forward to? Arg! LOL Have a great LONG weekend!
I have the Duh from my 4 y/o, too - she's been doing it a while. Argh
Happy Memorial day weekend to you.
I love animals :)
I haven't seen Brokeback yet but I want to.
Hey, my birthday is July 27. Lol about number 12! :)
Aaaargh! You just gave away the last line to a movie I havent seen yet!
Happy TT
So just how many pairs of flip flops do you have? I have 4.
We have a few things in common: July is also my birthday month, I was an AF dependent (hubby is retired now!), and I, too, believe that immigrants should enter the country legally!
Happy Memorial Day to you, too, and thanks for visiting my blog!
LOL to #12! With fava beans and chianti? Thanks for checking out my TT!
Let's here it for Flip Flops! YAY! And I certainly agree about liver -- but hey -- who was the first one to say "let's eat this crab!" - huh? How weird was THAT??? Yet... we LOVE them!!!
Interesting list....I agree with you about liver...YUCK!!
My TT is up here.
Maybe jewish people liked liver. When I go to my Jewish relatives (in-laws) they have liver pate. It's actually really good! I wouldn't just fry it up and eat it like a steak though - gross!
Thanks for stopping by mine!
I haven't watched Brokeback Mountain yet, sounds like I need ot though!
Cute comment from your 4yr old.
I have a severe problem when it comes to my many Flip-Flops...
It just never seem to be summer... and it has been cold and raining for over a week now *sigh*
Thanks for stopping by :-)
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