Thirteen Foods I LOVE!!!
1. Guacamole and chips..I love love love Guacamole..but how is it...noone makes it like you do..and why can't I find the right avacados to make it here??
2. Sushi..yep I love sushit HOWEVER I still will not eat the kind with the whole fish on the top..it's gotta be in the rice.
3. Spaghetti..who doesn't like spaghetti though
4. Funyons..I don't know why I just like em
5. Rice Krispie Treats..I can eat a whole pan of em.
6. Fudge Marble Cake with Chocolate icing...I think I'm going to make me one after this...:drool:
7. Pickles...any kind of pickles really
8. The dressing they put on German salads..and I still have yet to figure it out.
9. steak...yummy yummy steak
10. Chicken ..bbq, plain, fried...any kind it doesn't matter
11. vegetables..I really can't think of any vegetable I won't eat..
12. Lucky Charms cereal..
13. Chocolate/Chocolate Fudge pop tarts..those are my little secret..shhhh
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I love me some good steak myself. :) Not so fond of sushi or guacamole, though.
I love Sushi to! YUMMY!!!!
I'm loving all the foods on your list! lol
Happy Thursday!
Yum Yum, rice crispie cakes - I love those!
Thanks for visiting my list.
Happy Thursday!
Ivoryfrog x
I almost did this for my list today ...how funny!!!
and MMMMMMM Chocolate Fudge pop tarts are one of my secret pleasures as well ... I swear they must lace them with something ...
Hmm I have some in the pantry and I am starving ... I am going to have to have one now ..who am I kidding I will go have both :)
Have a great Thursday!
I'll take a steak!
My first TT is posted...
Oh, guacomole - my favorite!!
And I'm right there with you for eating a whole pan of rice krispy treats. Ooo, that sounds good right about now. :)
Spaghetti, my favorite. Chicken same as you can be friend, bbqued or anykind as you said.
Great list..now I'm craving rice krispy treats!! I'm up :)
I love sushi. I actually just branched out to try the kind with the whole piece of fish on the top. I liked it okay, but not as much as the little roles.
Thanks for stopping by my TT. Happy Thursday!
So now I am really hungry!
We share the same secret sin...I won't tell if you won't. Oh, you already did..and so did I. Oh well, confession is good for the soul. Thanks for dropping by.
I have seen quite a few 13's with food on it today! I share some of those favorites and pickles is one that I love!!! I always have a jar of pickles in the fridge. It's so strange. Fiance thinks I'm strange when I crave pickles!!!
Yummmmmmmy!!!! I also like #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13! lol
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, and for your very nice comment :)
Starbucks has the BEST rice krispy treats ever!!! (I love them too, as you can see...)
I am so hungry now but I just brushed my teeth and I am going to bed, good night! (what are funyons?)
Oh, I googled funyons and I got this!
yikes, it would help if I read my comment before I hit publish! lol...I loved your TT today! and may I be so bold as to steal the idea for next week? My 1st official TT is up! Come visit! (besides, I never met anyone living in Germany!)
YUMMMYYY list! Thanks for dropping by my TT.
I love the food 13's!!!
MMMMMM Rice Krispie treats are sooo good. They remind me of childhood! And those choco pop tarts...freeze em and eat em. It's deeeelish!
Love steak, spaghetti, chicken (especially stuffed with anything practically) Rice Krispie treats-homemade ones! Yummy, this list makes me hungry! My list is up.
rice krispie treats......I'm known for making them after the kids go to bed and then hiding them so I can have them all to myself!!
Thank goodness Rice Krispie treats are low in fat!
You've made me so hungry...
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