Gotta love em when they are teenagers, I tell you...Ok sometimes not..but we are supposed too..
I have the ORIGINAL drama queen my friends...12 years old and a drama queen..so much so today she accused me of *child abuse*..Yes I am an Abuser...at least if an abuser does such things like:
~~ expect her to do her chores..and the *gasp* first time I ask
~~ expect her to do her homework.
~~ expect her not to talk back...
~~ expect no lying and stealing.
~~ expect well nothing else..gosh she's right I am sooooo mean..probably deserve that mean mother award...Toni you can sent that over anytime you want.
So, what may you ask preceded this *child abuse* charge. Well...she actually went to school and cried and told the teachers I slap her and pull her hair...
BUT WAIT she told two different teachers two entirely different stories. OH yes...HELLO rule number one..stick to one story....
Anyhow there I was called and told I had to go to family advocacy..(again...) and I called family advocacy and told them straight up.."If I couldn't discipline my daughter and she could throw around any old accusation then I was packing her shit and bringing her to them..." Yes I DID..
Did I make her pack her bag: Your damn tootin I did...this is a power struggle if SHE thinks she is going to win..she is sadly mistaken..
What happened at family advocacy you ask??? Well, he (the counselor) got that she was a drama queen and basically said I had to not help her with her drama..blah, blah, blah..and that he felt she was a difficult child...I wanted to say "you think????"
Then he brought both of us together and basically told her I was the mother and she was the child...PERIOD.FINITO.END OF SENTENCE and she needed to listen to what I said and do what I told her too.
VINDICATION is so sweet my bloggy friends...
Confession time here: I soooo want to pull her hair and slap her so she knows what it feels like though..but instead I'll go take a HOT bath and eat a candy bar.