OHHHHH the horror..what to do ??? what to do?? I know head on over to
Bethany and
Gabriel's Blogs..they have nicely put up some questions....
First Bethany:
What are some of your favorite websites?Well
PostSecretOnlinesweepstakesPogoIf you had boy/girl twins today, what would you name them?Eric and Ariel....hey I like the little mermaid..so sue me..
What was your favorite grade in elementary school? Did you have a favorite teacher?I don't remember elementary school..I do remember one teacher who went to Florida once and brought us back alligator gummies though
What types of punishment did your parents use while you were growing up? Which were most effective on you?My parents believed in beating the hell out of us..it worked..there is no more hell in me...
Can you parallel park? Did you have to parallel park for your driving exam?NO and yes.
Bonus: Use this site to find where you should live. What are your top 5 and have you ever been to them before? (Sorry the site is hard to see- it is
1. Delray Beach, Florida ... no
2. Miami, Florida.... no
3. Mobile, Alabama... I think I've driven through it
4. Biloxi-Gulfport, Mississipi... again..driven through it
5. Savannah, Georgia...been there.
Now for Gabriel's..
What would be your most treasured memory of your childhood?I guess it was just playing with my sisters and chasing one around with roly-poly's
When was the last time you just 'bit your tongue'?about a week ago...I'm learning to get my filter...go me..
Name that silly fact about you that was unknown...until now.ALL of my closets and doors in my room HAVE to be closed in order for me to fall asleep.
You're a superhero, but with 'non typical' superpowers. What would your super powers be, and what would you like to be called?
OHHH can I be clean girl..where I blink and everythings spotless???
World Cup final, Olympic Games, Superbowl, World Series, NBA finals, Stanley Cup... which one would you like to play in?the world Championship Sleeping Tournament...