Hahaha I stole it from Toni
The A•B•C Meme
A - Available: Nope, Happily Married..(well happy depending on the day)
B - Best friend: Several close girlfriends- Hubby is #1!
C - Cake or pie: Cake--Pea Pickin Cake
D - Drink of choice: Sweet Tea
E - Essential item you use everyday: toothbrush or toilet paper :D
F - Favorite color: Baby Blue
G - Gummy bears or worms: Bears
H - Hometown: Summerville, South Carolina
I - Indulgence: - Caramel Chocolates..
J - January or February: January- recoup from holidays (I agree)
K - Kids: 2 girls, 1 hellion..I mean boy
L - Life is incomplete without: My family
M - Marriage date: April 26, 2001
N - Number of siblings: two sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: both
P - Phobias/Fears: The dentist- Evil people!--I so agree.
Q - Favorite Quote: "Suck It Up"
R - Reason to smile: When I get to take a shower BY MYSELF
S - Season: Spring...not as hot and oh so pretty.
T - Tag: I tag anyone who wants to participate.
U - Unknown fact about myself: Is there anything I havent' told y'all???
V - Vegetable you don’t like: Rutabagas--what the HELL are those..I don't think I'd like them either..yughhhh
W - Worst habit: being pissy..LOL
X - X-rays: yup.
Y - Your favorite food: Italian--yummy
Z - Zodiac: Leo.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Our Family Christmas Letter
Tis the night before Christmas,
and we just wanted to say,
we love you and miss you,
and we hope you have a great Christmas day!
Merry Christmas!!!! I hope everyone’s year and especially this holiday season has been the greatest!!! The Family is over here in Europe enjoying ourselves. We are getting to experience lots of wonderful things and meet wonderful people.
We got here in January to a snow covered ground..oh so beautiful!!!! It was interesting considering we’d been in such a WARM state beforehand. Katherine went straight to school here but they put the 5th graders in the Middle School—so it was quite an adjustment for her. She took a bit but she did OK…In February we took a trip to Paris…but not to see the Eiffel Tower—I had my priorities straight, we went to Euro Disney!!!!! A good time was had by all of us. In March, we attuned the FASHING Parade in Luxemburg. Imagine a G rated Madre Gras, with a 5 hour long parade. The kids received stuffed animals, and enough candy to fill over 5 shopping bags. Over the rest of the year, we traveled around our local area and saw some sites and things. Steven and Katherine are looking forward to going to Bastogne, Belgium, the site of the famous "Battle of the Bulge" for the 65th reenactment later this month. It promises to be very entertaining.
DH and I are currently looking for a small house off base to move into. We enjoy living on the AF Base, but some how, you just don't really experience Europe on base. It’s a long process, but once we find one, we should be able to move in and get our house in order in a matter of weeks. This will allow us a better guest room, and there fore, we will be ready for anyone who wishes to stop by in a few months.
Well on to how everyone is—
DH is well—he made 1st Lt in August of this year—it was a NICE raise. However, he would still like to know where his money goes. If anyone has any idea please email him and let him know (and the first person who suggests it was me is off my list!!! :D ) . He attended LRO (Logistics Readiness Officer) school this summer in San Antonio. He got to sleep in AC while we sweated to the oldies here in Germany, I think it was the hottest summer possible and they don’t have AC in the houses here. Otherwise—he’s been doing great in his job. He served as a Flight Commander for several weeks after his return, leading over 65 personnel. They currently have him working in the Unit Deployment Center, where he works to ensure all 400 people in his squadron are ready for war at all times. He was honored by the Fighter Wing (base) as one of only two Unit Ground Safety Managers for the year, and we are expecting to hear back from United States Air Forces in Europe to see if he wins at that level. He was also named as the Company Grade Officer of the Quarter for October – December. This makes him #1 of over 12 other officers, so at least I know why he's always at work. Steven is also looking at being deployed this summer, although the location hasn't really been decided, we expect him to be gone from about April - August. Please keep him in your prayers during that time.
Me, well—same ole, same ole…I started school with the University of Maryland this year. Hopefully before we leave here I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree…This time I’m going for Psychology. Other than that I am an active member of the PTSA, working the school dances and I am also an active member of the OCSC (Officers’ and Civilians’ Spouses’ Club). I currently create the newsletter every month and have lots of fun. (I think?) Between these two activities and the children, I seem to have a lot on my plate, and there are many days when DH and I may simply pass each other on our ways in/out the front door.
Daughter #1 is now in 6th grade. She is in the Band and joined CAP (Civil Air Patrol) this year. Her days and nights are getting fuller. She’s doing decent in school…nothing to write home about. She’s working through some personal problems right now—but it will turn out OK. She got certified to be a babysitter with the Red Cross earlier this year and has been babysitting for her brother and sister. She is going to need braces this next year, but the AF doesn’t think she is quite ready yet (lucky girl).
Daughter #2 is well, her same old self…good and spoiled, whiny and just plain ole funny sometimes. She honestly is the other little mother around here…If I don’t know what’s going on with the other two.. usually she does. Her theme song for this year should be “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” as well—she lost those earlier.
She is truly a daddy’s girl though.
And finally our son—he is a BOY all the way through and through. I don’t think I EVER had to work this hard with the girls…Into everything, doesn’t want to wear a diaper (cause god knows everyone needs to see that thing), and think he own’s the remote and TV..he let’s us know when we are watching something he doesn’t want to see. He loves to fight with #2 and it’s Toddler Wrestling Time about 50% of the time in this house. He’s getting big though and I expect him to outweigh and be taller than her in a year.
Well, that’s our family in a nutshell…Hope you and yours are wonderful and we will be thinking of you.
Our family
and we just wanted to say,
we love you and miss you,
and we hope you have a great Christmas day!
Merry Christmas!!!! I hope everyone’s year and especially this holiday season has been the greatest!!! The Family is over here in Europe enjoying ourselves. We are getting to experience lots of wonderful things and meet wonderful people.
We got here in January to a snow covered ground..oh so beautiful!!!! It was interesting considering we’d been in such a WARM state beforehand. Katherine went straight to school here but they put the 5th graders in the Middle School—so it was quite an adjustment for her. She took a bit but she did OK…In February we took a trip to Paris…but not to see the Eiffel Tower—I had my priorities straight, we went to Euro Disney!!!!! A good time was had by all of us. In March, we attuned the FASHING Parade in Luxemburg. Imagine a G rated Madre Gras, with a 5 hour long parade. The kids received stuffed animals, and enough candy to fill over 5 shopping bags. Over the rest of the year, we traveled around our local area and saw some sites and things. Steven and Katherine are looking forward to going to Bastogne, Belgium, the site of the famous "Battle of the Bulge" for the 65th reenactment later this month. It promises to be very entertaining.
DH and I are currently looking for a small house off base to move into. We enjoy living on the AF Base, but some how, you just don't really experience Europe on base. It’s a long process, but once we find one, we should be able to move in and get our house in order in a matter of weeks. This will allow us a better guest room, and there fore, we will be ready for anyone who wishes to stop by in a few months.
Well on to how everyone is—
DH is well—he made 1st Lt in August of this year—it was a NICE raise. However, he would still like to know where his money goes. If anyone has any idea please email him and let him know (and the first person who suggests it was me is off my list!!! :D ) . He attended LRO (Logistics Readiness Officer) school this summer in San Antonio. He got to sleep in AC while we sweated to the oldies here in Germany, I think it was the hottest summer possible and they don’t have AC in the houses here. Otherwise—he’s been doing great in his job. He served as a Flight Commander for several weeks after his return, leading over 65 personnel. They currently have him working in the Unit Deployment Center, where he works to ensure all 400 people in his squadron are ready for war at all times. He was honored by the Fighter Wing (base) as one of only two Unit Ground Safety Managers for the year, and we are expecting to hear back from United States Air Forces in Europe to see if he wins at that level. He was also named as the Company Grade Officer of the Quarter for October – December. This makes him #1 of over 12 other officers, so at least I know why he's always at work. Steven is also looking at being deployed this summer, although the location hasn't really been decided, we expect him to be gone from about April - August. Please keep him in your prayers during that time.
Me, well—same ole, same ole…I started school with the University of Maryland this year. Hopefully before we leave here I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree…This time I’m going for Psychology. Other than that I am an active member of the PTSA, working the school dances and I am also an active member of the OCSC (Officers’ and Civilians’ Spouses’ Club). I currently create the newsletter every month and have lots of fun. (I think?) Between these two activities and the children, I seem to have a lot on my plate, and there are many days when DH and I may simply pass each other on our ways in/out the front door.
Daughter #1 is now in 6th grade. She is in the Band and joined CAP (Civil Air Patrol) this year. Her days and nights are getting fuller. She’s doing decent in school…nothing to write home about. She’s working through some personal problems right now—but it will turn out OK. She got certified to be a babysitter with the Red Cross earlier this year and has been babysitting for her brother and sister. She is going to need braces this next year, but the AF doesn’t think she is quite ready yet (lucky girl).
Daughter #2 is well, her same old self…good and spoiled, whiny and just plain ole funny sometimes. She honestly is the other little mother around here…If I don’t know what’s going on with the other two.. usually she does. Her theme song for this year should be “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” as well—she lost those earlier.
She is truly a daddy’s girl though.
And finally our son—he is a BOY all the way through and through. I don’t think I EVER had to work this hard with the girls…Into everything, doesn’t want to wear a diaper (cause god knows everyone needs to see that thing), and think he own’s the remote and TV..he let’s us know when we are watching something he doesn’t want to see. He loves to fight with #2 and it’s Toddler Wrestling Time about 50% of the time in this house. He’s getting big though and I expect him to outweigh and be taller than her in a year.
Well, that’s our family in a nutshell…Hope you and yours are wonderful and we will be thinking of you.
Our family
Friday, December 22, 2006
Yes you!!! I'm talking to you.....A little birdie told me you were giving away HP camera's...seriously..how cool is that???
So, all I have to do is tell you why I need one???
Well, my friend, let me tell you a story about a woman named Becky and her kids..bad, badder and baddest. Becky used to have a camera...(may I add it wasn't as nice as a HP however)...and she loved her camera, Especially since she lives in Europe and goes neat places like EuroDisney. Anywho back to my story, one day Becky went off to do something~~I'm just going to guess here that it was good~~ and left the three B's at home. Becky got back and noticed her digital camera wasn't working. She couldn't figure out why her pictures were coming out all black. So, she did what any self-respecting woman does and called her husband, BLAMED him for everything and told him to fix it. He looked at it, looked at her, and said..."umm honey, the little thingie isn't opening" (ok he didn't call it a little thingie, but I can't remember what the heck that thing is). Well, shoot says Becky there goes pics of Christmas and all...I guess we'll have to wait until the military pays us enough to buy a new one...(OK all you military wives out there can QUIT laughing now~~Becky will admit to drinking when stating that). So, my friend TED...please send me a HP camera pack...
Hey lookie what's here....
digital photography
~~This post brought to you by our friends at HP
So, all I have to do is tell you why I need one???
Well, my friend, let me tell you a story about a woman named Becky and her kids..bad, badder and baddest. Becky used to have a camera...(may I add it wasn't as nice as a HP however)...and she loved her camera, Especially since she lives in Europe and goes neat places like EuroDisney. Anywho back to my story, one day Becky went off to do something~~I'm just going to guess here that it was good~~ and left the three B's at home. Becky got back and noticed her digital camera wasn't working. She couldn't figure out why her pictures were coming out all black. So, she did what any self-respecting woman does and called her husband, BLAMED him for everything and told him to fix it. He looked at it, looked at her, and said..."umm honey, the little thingie isn't opening" (ok he didn't call it a little thingie, but I can't remember what the heck that thing is). Well, shoot says Becky there goes pics of Christmas and all...I guess we'll have to wait until the military pays us enough to buy a new one...(OK all you military wives out there can QUIT laughing now~~Becky will admit to drinking when stating that). So, my friend TED...please send me a HP camera pack...
Hey lookie what's here....
digital photography
~~This post brought to you by our friends at HP
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wrapping night here at the mansion...my favorite time of the year...The conversation will go something like this..
S: Why did you buy this--they didn't need it..
B: DUH..it's Christmas
S: I don't care...seriously they have too many toys already.
B: Pass the wine bottle please so I can hit you upside of the head with it you cheap bastard..
(OK maybe that last one is just what I want to say--what I really say is uh-huh meaning..sure I'm listening...now keep wrapping)
Ok I'm out to wrap..wish me luck...in the morning if someone hasn't heard from me..I've probably been eaten by the mounds of wrapping paper.
S: Why did you buy this--they didn't need it..
B: DUH..it's Christmas
S: I don't care...seriously they have too many toys already.
B: Pass the wine bottle please so I can hit you upside of the head with it you cheap bastard..
(OK maybe that last one is just what I want to say--what I really say is uh-huh meaning..sure I'm listening...now keep wrapping)
Ok I'm out to wrap..wish me luck...in the morning if someone hasn't heard from me..I've probably been eaten by the mounds of wrapping paper.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Decision Time.

It's down to decision time folks--do I or don't I???
Steven told me his dad didn't let him get santa one year (funnily enough it was in the 6th grade) and he didn't get much from his family. BUT she knows about Santa, so not having Santa give her anything would do nothing for her...maybe will scare lizzie......but my belt does that too ;).
So, any suggestions folks?

Monday, December 18, 2006
No More Christmas Spirit
I think I'll just take down the tree and decorations..that's all..nothing more to say!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Back by POPULAR--or maybe not so popular--demand
Hey all...Steven says I haven't updated this in a while...hmmm well I have nothing else to do really (said with lots of sarcasm!!!
So, here's what's up...
I'm back in school--taking two classes now--two next quarter
Social Psychology and Libraries for dummies this semester
Computers for dummies and Statistics next...
I don't know if I have any for dummies classes left I can take..uh oh ;)
It's been BUSY here...christmas time is a pain with all the social stuff you have to do...ughhhhh
But I have missed you so I plan to try and update it more often (once a day)...LOL...and it shouldn't be hard since I just grounded Katherine to infinty and that means I'm grounded to...
Why did I ground Katherine???
1) Attitude SUCKS!!!! seriously..doesn't want to do anything, help out anywhere and the mouth on that child..well let me tell you..I'm suprised she's still alive as if it had been me--my momma would've knocked my ass into next week...and I would've stayed there if I knew what was good for me.
2) GRADES Just got her half term report...ohhhhhhhhh let me tell you she is almost FLUNKING two classes because she doesn't want to do her homework. Now she gets NO TV during the week and to work on homework EVERY FLIPPIN DAY..oh and NO extra curricular activities either.
3) RESPONSIBILITY--or maybe lack of should be better...refuses it..ask her to feed/water/clean out cat box...she doesn't do it--LIZZIE does..yep the 4 year old takes better care. AND GOD FORBID I ask her to watch her brother/sister for me...she lets them TEAR UP my house...no responsibility =NO privledges/allowance.
So here I am grounded. sigh...oh well more time for you and homework my friends.
So, here's what's up...
I'm back in school--taking two classes now--two next quarter
Social Psychology and Libraries for dummies this semester
Computers for dummies and Statistics next...
I don't know if I have any for dummies classes left I can take..uh oh ;)
It's been BUSY here...christmas time is a pain with all the social stuff you have to do...ughhhhh
But I have missed you so I plan to try and update it more often (once a day)...LOL...and it shouldn't be hard since I just grounded Katherine to infinty and that means I'm grounded to...
Why did I ground Katherine???
1) Attitude SUCKS!!!! seriously..doesn't want to do anything, help out anywhere and the mouth on that child..well let me tell you..I'm suprised she's still alive as if it had been me--my momma would've knocked my ass into next week...and I would've stayed there if I knew what was good for me.
2) GRADES Just got her half term report...ohhhhhhhhh let me tell you she is almost FLUNKING two classes because she doesn't want to do her homework. Now she gets NO TV during the week and to work on homework EVERY FLIPPIN DAY..oh and NO extra curricular activities either.
3) RESPONSIBILITY--or maybe lack of should be better...refuses it..ask her to feed/water/clean out cat box...she doesn't do it--LIZZIE does..yep the 4 year old takes better care. AND GOD FORBID I ask her to watch her brother/sister for me...she lets them TEAR UP my house...no responsibility =NO privledges/allowance.
So here I am grounded. sigh...oh well more time for you and homework my friends.
Monday, November 13, 2006
that's what Kat said last night when asked what her brother was doing...it only made her father mad and he kept going on and on and on at her...she kept whining..you don't want to know...it's GROSS
I was reading a book and contemplating...
Did I really want to know?? probably not...
you see my son..darling little sweet boy that he is has a problem--he HATES clothing of any kind and well he has a favorite toy..not one you can buy in a store though..it's one the good lord thought to provide him at birth...yep you can see where this one is going...
It was one of two things...either he had ummm had an "accident" on the floor and whoever acknowledged the accident got to pick it up...or he was playing with his favorite toy..
Place your BETS now..
Whoever Bet on the Toy..WINS!!! Katherine says to her father..."HE MADE IT STICK OUT"....I couldn't even stop laughing...OMG..too funny..bet he doesn't ask again.
I was reading a book and contemplating...
Did I really want to know?? probably not...
you see my son..darling little sweet boy that he is has a problem--he HATES clothing of any kind and well he has a favorite toy..not one you can buy in a store though..it's one the good lord thought to provide him at birth...yep you can see where this one is going...
It was one of two things...either he had ummm had an "accident" on the floor and whoever acknowledged the accident got to pick it up...or he was playing with his favorite toy..
Place your BETS now..
Whoever Bet on the Toy..WINS!!! Katherine says to her father..."HE MADE IT STICK OUT"....I couldn't even stop laughing...OMG..too funny..bet he doesn't ask again.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I write like I talk...
Is that a bad thing??? At least y'all know I'm for real--not a robot...a real Mom..living a real life...about to KILL her real kids..for REAL
Katherine...Mom makes us clean and NEVER participates...(participates..first of all good word..makes me proud.)
Me... after they picked me off the ceiling and made her go away for fear of the repercussions...I called her back in..
Here's the convo..word for word..oh don't forget to add in the crying child fearing for her LIFE
Me...Katherine, who mopped the kitchen>?
Her..((screaming and crying)) no no no no no
Steven..she's not going to hurt you..turn around..
Me..just turn the hell around and look at the damn dining room now who do you think fucking cleaned that the other day?? SANTA FUCKING CLAUSE???
Lizzie...Santa was here???
Me...Katherine..you know those clean clothes in your room, the ones that are hung up and folded, they are still folded right??? who did those??
Me..Katherine..who the hell do you think cooks around here..cause it sure the hell ain't your father.
Lizzie..Can we go to Taco Bell for dinner??
Me..Now do we need to discuss my "participation" in the cleaning of the house??
Me..good now go clean the fucking living room like I asked.
Lizzie..I think she should clean my room too...
Me..I think you should clean your own damn room. NOW. GO. BEFORE. I. GET. ANGRY.
Lizzie...You're already angry.
Connor..You're already angry.
Katherine...Mom makes us clean and NEVER participates...(participates..first of all good word..makes me proud.)
Me... after they picked me off the ceiling and made her go away for fear of the repercussions...I called her back in..
Here's the convo..word for word..oh don't forget to add in the crying child fearing for her LIFE
Me...Katherine, who mopped the kitchen>?
Her..((screaming and crying)) no no no no no
Steven..she's not going to hurt you..turn around..
Me..just turn the hell around and look at the damn dining room now who do you think fucking cleaned that the other day?? SANTA FUCKING CLAUSE???
Lizzie...Santa was here???
Me...Katherine..you know those clean clothes in your room, the ones that are hung up and folded, they are still folded right??? who did those??
Me..Katherine..who the hell do you think cooks around here..cause it sure the hell ain't your father.
Lizzie..Can we go to Taco Bell for dinner??
Me..Now do we need to discuss my "participation" in the cleaning of the house??
Me..good now go clean the fucking living room like I asked.
Lizzie..I think she should clean my room too...
Me..I think you should clean your own damn room. NOW. GO. BEFORE. I. GET. ANGRY.
Lizzie...You're already angry.
Connor..You're already angry.
Friday, November 03, 2006
What I need to Do???

Ok so here I am Looking out here on the internet trying to decide how to spend that Christmas Cash...and Steven informs me we are "BUDGETING" again this year...Budgeting?? I asked??? Hmm what is this Budget thing you refer to my lovely, sexy hubby??? Wanna go to the bedroom and discuss it??? Well, that didn't work..So, I then went onto the internet and looked up a few sites that discussed budgets and how to work and do them...
One that stuck in mind was this
personal development blog, in particular this post....Personal Finance 101 - Cash Management
My favorite part:
Stupid money budget – Sometimes, having a budget can seem too restrictive. One useful technique is to have a “stupid money” category in your budget with a fixed allowance. You can feel free to spend this money any way you want, even if it is on something stupid or useless.
Your “stupid money” allowance lets you to indulge yourself every once and a while without breaking your budget.
It allows for "stupid money"...now I can stick with that....lets see what I can put into that category??????
Ok I printed out this post and I'm going to go figure it out..I put it with the checkbook and once I balance it ..I'm going to try to do a budget seriously...quit laughing...I mean it this time!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
One of the "Cool" Kids..
My 30 Year Old husband is STILL trying to be one of the COOL KIDS--YES my friends he's 30...
Let me start this by letting you understand that I keep a password on my computer because well I just plain ole don't trust the kids or their friends not to got to websites they aren't allowed to--I've already caught them on "unacceptable" websites. The computer is also in the living room where I can see exactly what they are doing.
The other night my 11 year old had a sleepover...another 11 year old and a 12 year old and he GAVE them the password to the computer. His excuse. It was 3 AM...and he'd had a few beers...Well, that's one smart cookie for you. What in the heck did he think they were going to do on the internet at 3 AM??? What in the heck?? Oh he was trying to be the "cool" dad I see...I'm going to take the "cool" dad and knock him upside the head with it...DUMB BOYS!!
Let me start this by letting you understand that I keep a password on my computer because well I just plain ole don't trust the kids or their friends not to got to websites they aren't allowed to--I've already caught them on "unacceptable" websites. The computer is also in the living room where I can see exactly what they are doing.
The other night my 11 year old had a sleepover...another 11 year old and a 12 year old and he GAVE them the password to the computer. His excuse. It was 3 AM...and he'd had a few beers...Well, that's one smart cookie for you. What in the heck did he think they were going to do on the internet at 3 AM??? What in the heck?? Oh he was trying to be the "cool" dad I see...I'm going to take the "cool" dad and knock him upside the head with it...DUMB BOYS!!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Kids always a good time...
Ahh good times folk, good times....

Today we were watching PowerPuff Girls and Lizzie said that "I could be Bubbles, Kat could be Buttercup and she would be the Pink One...." When Steven asked Lizzie what he was she said the Evil Cow...LOL...At least I got to be Bubbles (the one in blue for those not familar with the PowerPuff Girls.
Later on that night I was eating my new favorite salad...Salad Caprese...basically Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Olives, drizzles with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar--get the good gourmet kind..., and Italian seasoning and she wanted some "nipples"...(the OLIVES get your minds out of the gutter!!)
Ahh good times...good times I say...I can't wait to see what's next...

Today we were watching PowerPuff Girls and Lizzie said that "I could be Bubbles, Kat could be Buttercup and she would be the Pink One...." When Steven asked Lizzie what he was she said the Evil Cow...LOL...At least I got to be Bubbles (the one in blue for those not familar with the PowerPuff Girls.
Later on that night I was eating my new favorite salad...Salad Caprese...basically Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Olives, drizzles with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar--get the good gourmet kind..., and Italian seasoning and she wanted some "nipples"...(the OLIVES get your minds out of the gutter!!)
Ahh good times...good times I say...I can't wait to see what's next...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
So, There I was.
in the Emergency Room with the Migraine from Hell..It felt like the DEVIL was inside my head wanting OUT OUT OUT...so off to the ER I went..and I got the good ole..Morphine shot..Most people Morphine makes em loopy, nice people..Me...I have to be the polar opposite..Morphine makes me MEAN

This little guy was me on Morphine!!!! Poor Poor Steven couldn't even breathe right...well honestly does he ever??? After the Morphine wore off I felt better..had to apologize...seriously..

This little guy was me on Morphine!!!! Poor Poor Steven couldn't even breathe right...well honestly does he ever??? After the Morphine wore off I felt better..had to apologize...seriously..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
And Again...but hey don't I like these???
1. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Only One??? gosh that's hard there are so many people I'd like to see explode..oh poop just make it Bin Laden..
2. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?
You know who really really gets on my nerves...The Wiggles...
3. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My Ex-husband..he hasn't bothered to call or get in touch with Kat since the end of June..ASS
4. What is your favorite cheese?
umm no fave really...
5. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to mankind is at your immediate disposal. What kind will you make?
a chicken salad sandwich with tomatoe and lettuce on it..thank you.
6. You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie celebrity of your choice. We are talking no-strings-attached sex and it can only happen once. Who is the lucky celebrity of your choice?
today it would be Matthew McConnahey...yummy
7. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who do you pick?
Kenny Chesney no doubt about it...
8. Now that you've slept with two different people in a row, you seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! How are you gonna spend it?
I'm going to go get a massage....although after sleeping with those two I might not need it ;)
9. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
10. Upon arrival to the aforementioned location, you get off the plane and discover another hundred-dollar bill. Now that you are in the new location, what are you gonna do?
Eat..I'm Hungry
11. A demon rises out of Hell and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. It is...?
probably some kind of fruity beverage
12. Rufus appears out of nowhere with a time-traveling phone booth. You can go anytime in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?
I think I'm going to the 1950's seems much more simpler then...
13. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
ahhh I'm always right..my favorite rule...
14. You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what's the premise?
Choices---you have to go back and look at the choices you've made and how they've affected other people.
15. What is your favorite curse word?
I'm an equal opportunity curser.
16. One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?
tell them to go clean something and roll over.
17. Your house is on fire! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don't worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what's the item?
my tinkerbelle snowglobe.
18. The Angel of Death has descended upon you. Fortunately, the Angel of Death is pretty cool and in a good mood, and it offers you a half-hour to do whatever you want before you bite it. Whatcha gonna do in that half-hour?
have sex one more time..seriously...
19. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?
The ability to read peoples minds.
20. You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
I want to relive the past 30 minutes seriously they've been awful..I would LOCK the kids in the room this time.
21. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
well I won't get into that one.
22. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool stuff... you can move to anywhere else in the world! Bitchin'! What country are you going to live in now?
Australia I told ya.
23. This question still counts, even for those of you who are under age. Check it out. You have been eternally banned from every single bar in the world except for ONE. Which one is it gonna be?
the one on the beach
24. Hopefully you didn't mention this in the super-powers question.... If you did, then we'll just expand on that. Check it out... Suddenly, you have gained the ability to FLOAT!!! Whose house are you going to float to first, and be like "Dude, check it out... I can FLOAT!"?
my mother...and when she thinks she's crazy well..so be it ;)
25. The constant absorption of magical moonbeams mixed with the radioactive vegetables you consumed earlier has given you the ability to resurrect the dead famous-person of your choice. So which celebrity will you bring back to life?
I'm sorry I'm bringing John Lennon because we've gotta talk about Yoko..
26. The Gates of Hell have opened, and Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person, etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I'm bringing back Death to live with me since he's so cool..seriously.
27. What's your theme song?
Don't Ask Her On A Straight Tequila Night.
Only One??? gosh that's hard there are so many people I'd like to see explode..oh poop just make it Bin Laden..
2. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?
You know who really really gets on my nerves...The Wiggles...
3. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My Ex-husband..he hasn't bothered to call or get in touch with Kat since the end of June..ASS
4. What is your favorite cheese?
umm no fave really...
5. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to mankind is at your immediate disposal. What kind will you make?
a chicken salad sandwich with tomatoe and lettuce on it..thank you.
6. You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie celebrity of your choice. We are talking no-strings-attached sex and it can only happen once. Who is the lucky celebrity of your choice?
today it would be Matthew McConnahey...yummy
7. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who do you pick?
Kenny Chesney no doubt about it...
8. Now that you've slept with two different people in a row, you seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! How are you gonna spend it?
I'm going to go get a massage....although after sleeping with those two I might not need it ;)
9. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
10. Upon arrival to the aforementioned location, you get off the plane and discover another hundred-dollar bill. Now that you are in the new location, what are you gonna do?
Eat..I'm Hungry
11. A demon rises out of Hell and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. It is...?
probably some kind of fruity beverage
12. Rufus appears out of nowhere with a time-traveling phone booth. You can go anytime in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?
I think I'm going to the 1950's seems much more simpler then...
13. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
ahhh I'm always right..my favorite rule...
14. You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what's the premise?
Choices---you have to go back and look at the choices you've made and how they've affected other people.
15. What is your favorite curse word?
I'm an equal opportunity curser.
16. One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?
tell them to go clean something and roll over.
17. Your house is on fire! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don't worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what's the item?
my tinkerbelle snowglobe.
18. The Angel of Death has descended upon you. Fortunately, the Angel of Death is pretty cool and in a good mood, and it offers you a half-hour to do whatever you want before you bite it. Whatcha gonna do in that half-hour?
have sex one more time..seriously...
19. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?
The ability to read peoples minds.
20. You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
I want to relive the past 30 minutes seriously they've been awful..I would LOCK the kids in the room this time.
21. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
well I won't get into that one.
22. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool stuff... you can move to anywhere else in the world! Bitchin'! What country are you going to live in now?
Australia I told ya.
23. This question still counts, even for those of you who are under age. Check it out. You have been eternally banned from every single bar in the world except for ONE. Which one is it gonna be?
the one on the beach
24. Hopefully you didn't mention this in the super-powers question.... If you did, then we'll just expand on that. Check it out... Suddenly, you have gained the ability to FLOAT!!! Whose house are you going to float to first, and be like "Dude, check it out... I can FLOAT!"?
my mother...and when she thinks she's crazy well..so be it ;)
25. The constant absorption of magical moonbeams mixed with the radioactive vegetables you consumed earlier has given you the ability to resurrect the dead famous-person of your choice. So which celebrity will you bring back to life?
I'm sorry I'm bringing John Lennon because we've gotta talk about Yoko..
26. The Gates of Hell have opened, and Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person, etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I'm bringing back Death to live with me since he's so cool..seriously.
27. What's your theme song?
Don't Ask Her On A Straight Tequila Night.
TOW: I get a head injury...

So, there I was last night...just got back from Bunko, cleaning out the car and BOOM I lean up and HIT MY HEAD on the car door..I just didn't hit my head I almost KNOCKED MY DAMN SELF OUT...saw pretty little stars
and everything...so hubs MADE me go to the hospital..said "better safe than sorry", "you probably have a concussion", blah blah blah...went they said...you're fine, want anything for pain??? go home....
AND THEN, he goes and tells EVERYONE at work today...nice guy that he is...they aren't laughing at me..they're laughing with me...you too..oh ok..go ahead..
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I was tagged so here goes.
Thanks to Andrea..really I love doing these things..LOL
Ok here goes..It's about my TOWN...so here goes..
3 places I love here:
--the walkplatz..I love outdoor shopping, fun fun times, great deals.
--the historical places I can go...love history
--outside at the track when they're excercising.
3 places I hate here:
--housing--noisy, and nosy neighbors
--gosh I really don't hate anything...ok on with it..
3 places I like to go with my friends:
--Roma's..good Italian food..yummmy
--Trier...shopping, shopping..have I mentioned shopping??
--Ramstein...Chili's and shopping.
3 things an outsider wouldn't understand about my town:
--heck I don't even understand...our ability to fight and still be "family"
--long seperations with spouses..
--the acronyms
The fanciest neighborhood...well the closest we have is the base commanders house..sorry
The ugliest neighborhood..some of these people keep their balconies and yards all messy
Now to tag:
Friday's Child
your name here....go on if I can..so can you :D
Ok here goes..It's about my TOWN...so here goes..
3 places I love here:
--the walkplatz..I love outdoor shopping, fun fun times, great deals.
--the historical places I can go...love history
--outside at the track when they're excercising.
3 places I hate here:
--housing--noisy, and nosy neighbors
--gosh I really don't hate anything...ok on with it..
3 places I like to go with my friends:
--Roma's..good Italian food..yummmy
--Trier...shopping, shopping..have I mentioned shopping??
--Ramstein...Chili's and shopping.
3 things an outsider wouldn't understand about my town:
--heck I don't even understand...our ability to fight and still be "family"
--long seperations with spouses..
--the acronyms
The fanciest neighborhood...well the closest we have is the base commanders house..sorry
The ugliest neighborhood..some of these people keep their balconies and yards all messy
Now to tag:
Friday's Child
your name here....go on if I can..so can you :D
Monday, October 02, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Do you know I'm apparently acting like an "officer's wife"?? Now, would someone like to exactly tell me how one acts....Is it because I asked a guy to see if my hubs was in a building on base because it was a warehouse and I didn't know if I was allowed in...I'm sure they would've much rather me just sashayed in and asked the first person I saw...jeez louise...And did I mention I waited outside for 10 minutes BEFORE I asked the first person I saw by saying "Excuse me Sir, can you please see if Lt. Moore is in that building??"
Yep, I agree that was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable..what can I say?? I should probably be hung up and SHOT!!!!!!!
I'm really thinking of renaming this blog to the pissed off mommy blog.
Anyone want to send me PROZAC, VALIUM, something???
Yep, I agree that was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable..what can I say?? I should probably be hung up and SHOT!!!!!!!
I'm really thinking of renaming this blog to the pissed off mommy blog.
Anyone want to send me PROZAC, VALIUM, something???
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Power Puff Girls
Are really really dirty...If you ever see Steve the Monster check out his mouth..it looks DIRTY...LOL
You know..Dora The Explorer is kinda dirty too..
What kind of cartoons are they making for our kids???
You know..Dora The Explorer is kinda dirty too..
What kind of cartoons are they making for our kids???
Monday, September 18, 2006
Good Morning
or Afternoon, Whatever...
today's website...www.idontgiveashit.com please go there to complain, bitch, or whine at me. This weekend was a LONG one..Friday was babysitting day--not even my kids--grown women..We went to a comedy show here on base and they got drunk and wanted to go to the E club on base and PARTY--read hit on men-- so I gave them 30 minutes and made the hubs come and rescue them..
Saturday--went to the bazaar..big shopping..at Ramstein..big base..didn't spend too much..big proud..got home LATE..
Sunday--went to the LONGEST baby shower known to man. Seriously, it lasted over 4 1/2 hours. The baby shower was given for a lady who was Puerto Rican..and there were 4 people there who didn't speak any kind of Spanish (me included) so I felt very very out of place..but I couldn't leave because it would have been very Politically Uncorrect..sigh..what a life..
today's website...www.idontgiveashit.com please go there to complain, bitch, or whine at me. This weekend was a LONG one..Friday was babysitting day--not even my kids--grown women..We went to a comedy show here on base and they got drunk and wanted to go to the E club on base and PARTY--read hit on men-- so I gave them 30 minutes and made the hubs come and rescue them..
Saturday--went to the bazaar..big shopping..at Ramstein..big base..didn't spend too much..big proud..got home LATE..
Sunday--went to the LONGEST baby shower known to man. Seriously, it lasted over 4 1/2 hours. The baby shower was given for a lady who was Puerto Rican..and there were 4 people there who didn't speak any kind of Spanish (me included) so I felt very very out of place..but I couldn't leave because it would have been very Politically Uncorrect..sigh..what a life..
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Day of HELL!!!
Oh MY lord it was the DAY OF HELL here...ok really just the morning of hell..I had a meeting and it was AWFUL...
I'm on the Board of the OCSC and I do the Spangle..(newsletter)..mind you..It's a VOLUNTEER job, I've NEVER done one before and I spent over 12 hours figuring things out this month...noone else would take this job--believe me now I know why
So, we are sitting there at this meeting and it gets my turn for my board report and all HELL breaks loose they are making a public lynching party for me...they hate it, call it crap, want to know if I got quotes, etc...where were these people when noone else stepped up to do this??? Probably hiding...I was PISSED...Finally I snapped and told them all if they wanted it exactly like last years I'd happily do it "just the same damn way"...they shut up...next month..I'm bringing twizzlers and announcing if they are going to do another public lynching of me..please do it with these (candy ropes)..I like them better!!!!
I was so upset I was going to quit...but why let the snobby officer wive bitches win..So if they want to do all the work and get new quotes let them..they aren't going to find a better price than I have now...and I will never let them see me cry (I'll wait till I get home again)..at least I have another co-editor now who's nice and she will have my back this month--hopefully...LOL
--Either that or I'll go Postal on them all...
I'm on the Board of the OCSC and I do the Spangle..(newsletter)..mind you..It's a VOLUNTEER job, I've NEVER done one before and I spent over 12 hours figuring things out this month...noone else would take this job--believe me now I know why
So, we are sitting there at this meeting and it gets my turn for my board report and all HELL breaks loose they are making a public lynching party for me...they hate it, call it crap, want to know if I got quotes, etc...where were these people when noone else stepped up to do this??? Probably hiding...I was PISSED...Finally I snapped and told them all if they wanted it exactly like last years I'd happily do it "just the same damn way"...they shut up...next month..I'm bringing twizzlers and announcing if they are going to do another public lynching of me..please do it with these (candy ropes)..I like them better!!!!
I was so upset I was going to quit...but why let the snobby officer wive bitches win..So if they want to do all the work and get new quotes let them..they aren't going to find a better price than I have now...and I will never let them see me cry (I'll wait till I get home again)..at least I have another co-editor now who's nice and she will have my back this month--hopefully...LOL
--Either that or I'll go Postal on them all...
Monday, September 04, 2006
or **Ahhh if you're going to debate me on my own blog at least don't do it anonymously...**
Here's my original post: and her comment but I'll post her comment here and comment on it too..
It is a tenant of international law that when a government commits major human rights violations against a specific sect of its own population that government is responsible for her citizens repair -- or the synonym: REPARATIONS.
140 years ago? Was Jim Crow 140 years ago? Was Martin Luther King assassinated 140 years ago? Were black people attacked with POLICE DOGS and FIREMEN WATER HOSES 140 years ago? Was SEGREGATION, LYNCHING, BLACK CODES, KKK, ROSA PARKS AND THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 140 years ago? When you "teach" your children, try the truth for once. You like many white Americans are protected by this blanket of denial in America and it is absolutely appalling.
No one is suggesting personal culpability. Slavery was an institution sanctioned by the highest laws of the land with a degree of support from the Constitution itself.
For two hundred years, the federal government embraced
made laws and embraced policies that supported racism after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Because of racist laws and policies after slavery, blacks were denied the chance to compete or the opportunities and resources that were available to native whites and
white immigrants. The promise of forty acres and a mule to former slaves were effectively nullified by the actions of Pres. Andrew Johnson.
For example, immediately after the war Congress restructured laws to constrain newly freed black men and women called Black Codes. Blacks were barred from towns after certain hours and were prevented from renting or leasing farms. Under Jim Crow, many "Black males were expected to tip their
hats in the presence of whites, even if they were walking on the
opposite side of the street." The Codes were implemented in the late nineteenth century and, unfortunately, lasted until the 1960s.
From Black Codes, Jim Crow, KKK to lynchings the United States government sanctioned and upheld these oppressive and exploitative systems to the detriment of its newly freed African slaves. The United States had officially committed itself to civil and political rights for blacks.
However, it failed to enforce those rights intended in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. African Americans were betrayed, and a brutal white supremacist regime was allowed to replace chattel slavery.
Thus the federal government is reasonably held accountable for the persisting legacy of those wrongs.
The institution of slavery established the idea and the practice that American democracy was "for whites only." The government is an entity that survives generations, its debts and obligation survive the lifespan of any particular individuals...There are many white Americans whose actions (or lack thereof) reveal such sentiments today--witness the response of the media and the general populace to the blatant disregard of African Americans in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Would such complacency exist if African Americans were considered "real citizens"?
What about the disenfranchisement of Black citizens in the 2000 election? And despite the dramatic successes of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, the majority of black Americans do not enjoy the same rights as white Americans in the economic sphere.
The injury in question--that of slavery--was inflicted upon a people designated as a race. The descendants of that people--still socially constructed as a race today--continue to suffer the institutional
legacies of slavery some one hundred thirty-five years after its demise.
Race cannot be separated from said injury because wrongs were inflicted on sole basis of one's skin color.
For example, the criminal (in)justice system today largely continues to operate as it did under slavery--for the
protection of white citizens against black "outsiders." Although no longer written law, this very attitude is implicit to processes of law enforcement,
prosecution, and incarceration, guiding the behavior of police, prosecutors, judges, juries, wardens, and parole boards. Hence, African Americans continue to experience higher rates of incarceration than do whites charged with similar crimes, endure longer sentences for the same classes of crimes perpetrated by whites, and, compared to white inmates, receive far less
consideration by parole boards when being considered for release.
The fact that immigrants arrived after slavery has no bearing on the call for restitution as anyone who seeks to benefit from the priviliges set forth in this nation must also accept her battles as is expected of any other American citizen.
Thus, anyone who immigrates to the United States American citizenship inherits America fight for freedom.
We don't ask new immigrants to re-fight the War of 1812, nor do we require them re-write to the Bill of Rights.
Yet they are beneficiaries of that history. New immigrants also inherit the bad with the good. They inherit all the responsibilities of every American citizen no matter how long they have been here, no matter where they came from or why, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual preference or other distinction.
The arguments for reparations are not made on the basis of whether every white person directly gained from slavery. It's addressing crimes by government against a people.
Once the wrongs committed against African Americans are recognized as constituting a claim that creates a property right cognizable under our legal system what remedy is appropriate? Many argue that current generations have no responsibility, because none of us ever held slaves.
Again, the arguments are made on the basis that slavery was
institutionalized and protected by the law in the United States.
Yes, its true that many Americans have immigrated recently to the United States and many others are descendants of immigrants who arrived after the Civil War.
Human Rights Watch recently issued a report stating that the US should pay reparations not only for slavery, but for segregation, too. No mention is made in the Human Rights Report of the one hundred years of lynchings to which Black people in America were subjected.
Today the vestiges of racial discrimination, which began during the days of black race hatred and slavery, are still visible.
Black women and men are haunted by the reality that "Driving While Black" in many states makes you a prime target for police harassment. In the state of New Jersey, at least eight of every ten automobile searches carried out by state troopers on the New Jersey Turnpike over most of the last decade were conducted on vehicles driven by blacks and Hispanics. 80% of the stops, yet only 30% of the population. This is racial profiling at its worst. But New Jersey is not the only Driving While Black culprit.
The Justice Department admits that blacks are more likely than whites to be pulled over by police, imprisoned, and put to death. And, though blacks and whites have about the same rate of drug use, blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites and are more likely to receive longer prison sentences than whites.
The expiration of critical sections of the Voting Rights Act could very well usher in a return of state-sanctioned black disfranchisement on a scale worse than what was discovered in the 2000 November Presidential election.
As you can see, the US is far from having adequately addressed its race problem. In addition, I believe the United States is in long-standing violation of international treaties that it has signed and ratified.
The United States could and should also apologize for its participation in the slave trade and the long history of racism against black people that that participation fostered and supported. Governments make restitution to victims as a group or class. It is true that it would be inappropriate to pursue individual guilt at this point, but the collective responsibility of our government cannot be denied.
No one is suggesting personal culpability. Slavery was an institution sanctioned by the highest laws of the land with a degree of support from the Constitution itself.
The institution of slavery established the idea and the practice that American democracy was "for whites only." The government is an entity that survives generations, its debts and obligation survive the lifespan of any particular individuals...There are many white Americans whose actions (or lack thereof) reveal such sentiments today--witness the response of the media and the general populace to the blatant disregard of African Americans in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Would such complacency exist if African Americans were considered "real citizens"?
What about the disenfranchisement of Black citizens in the 2000 election? And despite the dramatic successes of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, the majority of black Americans do not enjoy the same rights as white Americans in the economic sphere.
The injury in question--that of slavery--was inflicted upon a people designated as a race. The descendants of that people--still socially constructed as a race today--continue to suffer the institutional
legacies of slavery some one hundred thirty-five years after its demise.
Race cannot be separated from said injury because wrongs were inflicted on sole basis of one's skin color.
For example, the criminal (in)justice system today largely continues to operate as it did under slavery--for the
protection of white citizens against black "outsiders." Although no longer written law, this very attitude is implicit to processes of law enforcement,
prosecution, and incarceration, guiding the behavior of police, prosecutors, judges, juries, wardens, and parole boards. Hence, African Americans continue to experience higher rates of incarceration than do whites charged with similar crimes, endure longer sentences for the same classes of crimes perpetrated by whites, and, compared to white inmates, receive far less
consideration by parole boards when being considered for release.
The fact that immigrants arrived after slavery has no bearing on the call for restitution as anyone who seeks to benefit from the priviliges set forth in this nation must also accept her battles as is expected of any other American citizen.
Thus, anyone who immigrates to the United States American citizenship inherits America fight for freedom.
We don't ask new immigrants to re-fight the War of 1812, nor do we require them re-write to the Bill of Rights.
Yet they are beneficiaries of that history. New immigrants also inherit the bad with the good. They inherit all the responsibilities of every American citizen no matter how long they have been here, no matter where they came from or why, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual preference or other distinction.
The arguments for reparations are not made on the basis of whether every white person directly gained from slavery. It's addressing crimes by government against a people.
For two hundred years, the federal government embraced
made laws and embraced policies that supported racism after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Because of racist laws and policies after slavery, blacks were denied the chance to compete or the opportunities and resources that were available to native whites and
white immigrants. The promise of forty acres and a mule to former slaves were effectively nullified by the actions of Pres. Andrew Johnson.
For example, immediately after the war Congress restructured laws to constrain newly freed black men and women called Black Codes. Blacks were barred from towns after certain hours and were prevented from renting or leasing farms. Under Jim Crow, many "Black males were expected to tip their
hats in the presence of whites, even if they were walking on the
opposite side of the street." The Codes were implemented in the late nineteenth century and, unfortunately, lasted until the 1960s.
From Black Codes, Jim Crow, KKK to lynchings the United States government sanctioned and upheld these oppressive and exploitative systems to the detriment of its newly freed African slaves. The United States had officially committed itself to civil and political rights for blacks.
However, it failed to enforce those rights intended in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. African Americans were betrayed, and a brutal white supremacist regime was allowed to replace chattel slavery.
Thus the federal government is reasonably held accountable for the persisting legacy of those wrongs.
Once the wrongs committed against African Americans are recognized as constituting a claim that creates a property right cognizable under our legal system what remedy is appropriate? Many argue that current generations have no responsibility, because none of us ever held slaves.
Again, the arguments are made on the basis that slavery was
institutionalized and protected by the law in the United States.
Yes, its true that many Americans have immigrated recently to the United States and many others are descendants of immigrants who arrived after the Civil War.
Human Rights Watch recently issued a report stating that the US should pay reparations not only for slavery, but for segregation, too. No mention is made in the Human Rights Report of the one hundred years of lynchings to which Black people in America were subjected.
Today the vestiges of racial discrimination, which began during the days of black race hatred and slavery, are still visible.
Black women and men are haunted by the reality that "Driving While Black" in many states makes you a prime target for police harassment. In the state of New Jersey, at least eight of every ten automobile searches carried out by state troopers on the New Jersey Turnpike over most of the last decade were conducted on vehicles driven by blacks and Hispanics. 80% of the stops, yet only 30% of the population. This is racial profiling at its worst. But New Jersey is not the only Driving While Black culprit.
The Justice Department admits that blacks are more likely than whites to be pulled over by police, imprisoned, and put to death. And, though blacks and whites have about the same rate of drug use, blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites and are more likely to receive longer prison sentences than whites.
The expiration of critical sections of the Voting Rights Act could very well usher in a return of state-sanctioned black disfranchisement on a scale worse than what was discovered in the 2000 November Presidential election.
As you can see, the US is far from having adequately addressed its race problem. In addition, I believe the United States is in long-standing violation of international treaties that it has signed and ratified.
The United States could and should also apologize for its participation in the slave trade and the long history of racism against black people that that participation fostered and supported. Governments make restitution to victims as a group or class. It is true that it would be inappropriate to pursue individual guilt at this point, but the collective responsibility of our government cannot be denied.
Posted by Zion to Diary of a Mad Crazy Mom Type at 9/04/2006 05:44:44 AM
Zion apparently just found something I posted WAY back in July and felt the need to "educate" me on the suffering of blacks..I never said blacks DIDN'T suffer--now AGAIN what I believe...it has been 140 years....the United States should not apologize to the "black community" for their part in the slave trade...the ONLY way we as a nation are going to be able to move on and become one people with EACH OTHER is to stop fighting PAST wars!!!!! This didn't happen to YOU. As for your implication I don't "teach" my children right...Oh but I do..I teach my children to look BEYOND the color of a person..maybe you should TRY that...might work better in life for EVERYONE. My husband is in the UNITED STATES MILITARY and amazingly enough..they don't have problems with color/race relations..maybe because they have something else to think about/consider other than something that happened to them or their people --again 140 years ago--they think about..oh keeping everyone in AMERICA SAFE...not apologizing to one particular race for something that happened 140 years ago...
NOW onto the getting pulled over because your black and in New Jersey...seriously take that up with the New Jersey police department not the United States Government...
New Orleans...now when watching coverage of Hurricane Katrina...the mayor of New Orleans was Black right?? because he was making a hell of a lot of the decisions...so maybe we need to focus on him a little too..It wasn't a "white conspiracy" against the black people...I like probably half of America (oh wait that'a whole bunch of white people) sat and cried thinking of those people in New Orleans..but you know what I DO think if it was WHITE people the same would've happened...and the SAME OUTCRY...YOU DID watch the news as MOST OF AMERICA WAS pissed at the way it's CITIZENS were treated--notice I didn't use the word BLACK CITIZENS just CITIZENS that's because they didn't care who it was..they were AMERICANS...
PICK up your American flag and become and American and be happy you live here..if you don't like it or the way you are treated try another country BUT I DAMN WELL GUARANTEE YOU--you'll come back..it's only here you get the freedom speech to even question the government and ask for them to apologize to you...Like I said the ONLY way we are going to be a COUNTRY OF ONE to steal the Army's slogan...is to become ONE and that's to stop fighting as blacks and whites and fight as AMERICANS...
Here's my original post: and her comment but I'll post her comment here and comment on it too..
It is a tenant of international law that when a government commits major human rights violations against a specific sect of its own population that government is responsible for her citizens repair -- or the synonym: REPARATIONS.
140 years ago? Was Jim Crow 140 years ago? Was Martin Luther King assassinated 140 years ago? Were black people attacked with POLICE DOGS and FIREMEN WATER HOSES 140 years ago? Was SEGREGATION, LYNCHING, BLACK CODES, KKK, ROSA PARKS AND THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 140 years ago? When you "teach" your children, try the truth for once. You like many white Americans are protected by this blanket of denial in America and it is absolutely appalling.
No one is suggesting personal culpability. Slavery was an institution sanctioned by the highest laws of the land with a degree of support from the Constitution itself.
For two hundred years, the federal government embraced
made laws and embraced policies that supported racism after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Because of racist laws and policies after slavery, blacks were denied the chance to compete or the opportunities and resources that were available to native whites and
white immigrants. The promise of forty acres and a mule to former slaves were effectively nullified by the actions of Pres. Andrew Johnson.
For example, immediately after the war Congress restructured laws to constrain newly freed black men and women called Black Codes. Blacks were barred from towns after certain hours and were prevented from renting or leasing farms. Under Jim Crow, many "Black males were expected to tip their
hats in the presence of whites, even if they were walking on the
opposite side of the street." The Codes were implemented in the late nineteenth century and, unfortunately, lasted until the 1960s.
From Black Codes, Jim Crow, KKK to lynchings the United States government sanctioned and upheld these oppressive and exploitative systems to the detriment of its newly freed African slaves. The United States had officially committed itself to civil and political rights for blacks.
However, it failed to enforce those rights intended in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. African Americans were betrayed, and a brutal white supremacist regime was allowed to replace chattel slavery.
Thus the federal government is reasonably held accountable for the persisting legacy of those wrongs.
The institution of slavery established the idea and the practice that American democracy was "for whites only." The government is an entity that survives generations, its debts and obligation survive the lifespan of any particular individuals...There are many white Americans whose actions (or lack thereof) reveal such sentiments today--witness the response of the media and the general populace to the blatant disregard of African Americans in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Would such complacency exist if African Americans were considered "real citizens"?
What about the disenfranchisement of Black citizens in the 2000 election? And despite the dramatic successes of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, the majority of black Americans do not enjoy the same rights as white Americans in the economic sphere.
The injury in question--that of slavery--was inflicted upon a people designated as a race. The descendants of that people--still socially constructed as a race today--continue to suffer the institutional
legacies of slavery some one hundred thirty-five years after its demise.
Race cannot be separated from said injury because wrongs were inflicted on sole basis of one's skin color.
For example, the criminal (in)justice system today largely continues to operate as it did under slavery--for the
protection of white citizens against black "outsiders." Although no longer written law, this very attitude is implicit to processes of law enforcement,
prosecution, and incarceration, guiding the behavior of police, prosecutors, judges, juries, wardens, and parole boards. Hence, African Americans continue to experience higher rates of incarceration than do whites charged with similar crimes, endure longer sentences for the same classes of crimes perpetrated by whites, and, compared to white inmates, receive far less
consideration by parole boards when being considered for release.
The fact that immigrants arrived after slavery has no bearing on the call for restitution as anyone who seeks to benefit from the priviliges set forth in this nation must also accept her battles as is expected of any other American citizen.
Thus, anyone who immigrates to the United States American citizenship inherits America fight for freedom.
We don't ask new immigrants to re-fight the War of 1812, nor do we require them re-write to the Bill of Rights.
Yet they are beneficiaries of that history. New immigrants also inherit the bad with the good. They inherit all the responsibilities of every American citizen no matter how long they have been here, no matter where they came from or why, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual preference or other distinction.
The arguments for reparations are not made on the basis of whether every white person directly gained from slavery. It's addressing crimes by government against a people.
Once the wrongs committed against African Americans are recognized as constituting a claim that creates a property right cognizable under our legal system what remedy is appropriate? Many argue that current generations have no responsibility, because none of us ever held slaves.
Again, the arguments are made on the basis that slavery was
institutionalized and protected by the law in the United States.
Yes, its true that many Americans have immigrated recently to the United States and many others are descendants of immigrants who arrived after the Civil War.
Human Rights Watch recently issued a report stating that the US should pay reparations not only for slavery, but for segregation, too. No mention is made in the Human Rights Report of the one hundred years of lynchings to which Black people in America were subjected.
Today the vestiges of racial discrimination, which began during the days of black race hatred and slavery, are still visible.
Black women and men are haunted by the reality that "Driving While Black" in many states makes you a prime target for police harassment. In the state of New Jersey, at least eight of every ten automobile searches carried out by state troopers on the New Jersey Turnpike over most of the last decade were conducted on vehicles driven by blacks and Hispanics. 80% of the stops, yet only 30% of the population. This is racial profiling at its worst. But New Jersey is not the only Driving While Black culprit.
The Justice Department admits that blacks are more likely than whites to be pulled over by police, imprisoned, and put to death. And, though blacks and whites have about the same rate of drug use, blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites and are more likely to receive longer prison sentences than whites.
The expiration of critical sections of the Voting Rights Act could very well usher in a return of state-sanctioned black disfranchisement on a scale worse than what was discovered in the 2000 November Presidential election.
As you can see, the US is far from having adequately addressed its race problem. In addition, I believe the United States is in long-standing violation of international treaties that it has signed and ratified.
The United States could and should also apologize for its participation in the slave trade and the long history of racism against black people that that participation fostered and supported. Governments make restitution to victims as a group or class. It is true that it would be inappropriate to pursue individual guilt at this point, but the collective responsibility of our government cannot be denied.
No one is suggesting personal culpability. Slavery was an institution sanctioned by the highest laws of the land with a degree of support from the Constitution itself.
The institution of slavery established the idea and the practice that American democracy was "for whites only." The government is an entity that survives generations, its debts and obligation survive the lifespan of any particular individuals...There are many white Americans whose actions (or lack thereof) reveal such sentiments today--witness the response of the media and the general populace to the blatant disregard of African Americans in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Would such complacency exist if African Americans were considered "real citizens"?
What about the disenfranchisement of Black citizens in the 2000 election? And despite the dramatic successes of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, the majority of black Americans do not enjoy the same rights as white Americans in the economic sphere.
The injury in question--that of slavery--was inflicted upon a people designated as a race. The descendants of that people--still socially constructed as a race today--continue to suffer the institutional
legacies of slavery some one hundred thirty-five years after its demise.
Race cannot be separated from said injury because wrongs were inflicted on sole basis of one's skin color.
For example, the criminal (in)justice system today largely continues to operate as it did under slavery--for the
protection of white citizens against black "outsiders." Although no longer written law, this very attitude is implicit to processes of law enforcement,
prosecution, and incarceration, guiding the behavior of police, prosecutors, judges, juries, wardens, and parole boards. Hence, African Americans continue to experience higher rates of incarceration than do whites charged with similar crimes, endure longer sentences for the same classes of crimes perpetrated by whites, and, compared to white inmates, receive far less
consideration by parole boards when being considered for release.
The fact that immigrants arrived after slavery has no bearing on the call for restitution as anyone who seeks to benefit from the priviliges set forth in this nation must also accept her battles as is expected of any other American citizen.
Thus, anyone who immigrates to the United States American citizenship inherits America fight for freedom.
We don't ask new immigrants to re-fight the War of 1812, nor do we require them re-write to the Bill of Rights.
Yet they are beneficiaries of that history. New immigrants also inherit the bad with the good. They inherit all the responsibilities of every American citizen no matter how long they have been here, no matter where they came from or why, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual preference or other distinction.
The arguments for reparations are not made on the basis of whether every white person directly gained from slavery. It's addressing crimes by government against a people.
For two hundred years, the federal government embraced
made laws and embraced policies that supported racism after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Because of racist laws and policies after slavery, blacks were denied the chance to compete or the opportunities and resources that were available to native whites and
white immigrants. The promise of forty acres and a mule to former slaves were effectively nullified by the actions of Pres. Andrew Johnson.
For example, immediately after the war Congress restructured laws to constrain newly freed black men and women called Black Codes. Blacks were barred from towns after certain hours and were prevented from renting or leasing farms. Under Jim Crow, many "Black males were expected to tip their
hats in the presence of whites, even if they were walking on the
opposite side of the street." The Codes were implemented in the late nineteenth century and, unfortunately, lasted until the 1960s.
From Black Codes, Jim Crow, KKK to lynchings the United States government sanctioned and upheld these oppressive and exploitative systems to the detriment of its newly freed African slaves. The United States had officially committed itself to civil and political rights for blacks.
However, it failed to enforce those rights intended in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. African Americans were betrayed, and a brutal white supremacist regime was allowed to replace chattel slavery.
Thus the federal government is reasonably held accountable for the persisting legacy of those wrongs.
Once the wrongs committed against African Americans are recognized as constituting a claim that creates a property right cognizable under our legal system what remedy is appropriate? Many argue that current generations have no responsibility, because none of us ever held slaves.
Again, the arguments are made on the basis that slavery was
institutionalized and protected by the law in the United States.
Yes, its true that many Americans have immigrated recently to the United States and many others are descendants of immigrants who arrived after the Civil War.
Human Rights Watch recently issued a report stating that the US should pay reparations not only for slavery, but for segregation, too. No mention is made in the Human Rights Report of the one hundred years of lynchings to which Black people in America were subjected.
Today the vestiges of racial discrimination, which began during the days of black race hatred and slavery, are still visible.
Black women and men are haunted by the reality that "Driving While Black" in many states makes you a prime target for police harassment. In the state of New Jersey, at least eight of every ten automobile searches carried out by state troopers on the New Jersey Turnpike over most of the last decade were conducted on vehicles driven by blacks and Hispanics. 80% of the stops, yet only 30% of the population. This is racial profiling at its worst. But New Jersey is not the only Driving While Black culprit.
The Justice Department admits that blacks are more likely than whites to be pulled over by police, imprisoned, and put to death. And, though blacks and whites have about the same rate of drug use, blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites and are more likely to receive longer prison sentences than whites.
The expiration of critical sections of the Voting Rights Act could very well usher in a return of state-sanctioned black disfranchisement on a scale worse than what was discovered in the 2000 November Presidential election.
As you can see, the US is far from having adequately addressed its race problem. In addition, I believe the United States is in long-standing violation of international treaties that it has signed and ratified.
The United States could and should also apologize for its participation in the slave trade and the long history of racism against black people that that participation fostered and supported. Governments make restitution to victims as a group or class. It is true that it would be inappropriate to pursue individual guilt at this point, but the collective responsibility of our government cannot be denied.
Posted by Zion to Diary of a Mad Crazy Mom Type at 9/04/2006 05:44:44 AM
Zion apparently just found something I posted WAY back in July and felt the need to "educate" me on the suffering of blacks..I never said blacks DIDN'T suffer--now AGAIN what I believe...it has been 140 years....the United States should not apologize to the "black community" for their part in the slave trade...the ONLY way we as a nation are going to be able to move on and become one people with EACH OTHER is to stop fighting PAST wars!!!!! This didn't happen to YOU. As for your implication I don't "teach" my children right...Oh but I do..I teach my children to look BEYOND the color of a person..maybe you should TRY that...might work better in life for EVERYONE. My husband is in the UNITED STATES MILITARY and amazingly enough..they don't have problems with color/race relations..maybe because they have something else to think about/consider other than something that happened to them or their people --again 140 years ago--they think about..oh keeping everyone in AMERICA SAFE...not apologizing to one particular race for something that happened 140 years ago...
NOW onto the getting pulled over because your black and in New Jersey...seriously take that up with the New Jersey police department not the United States Government...
New Orleans...now when watching coverage of Hurricane Katrina...the mayor of New Orleans was Black right?? because he was making a hell of a lot of the decisions...so maybe we need to focus on him a little too..It wasn't a "white conspiracy" against the black people...I like probably half of America (oh wait that'a whole bunch of white people) sat and cried thinking of those people in New Orleans..but you know what I DO think if it was WHITE people the same would've happened...and the SAME OUTCRY...YOU DID watch the news as MOST OF AMERICA WAS pissed at the way it's CITIZENS were treated--notice I didn't use the word BLACK CITIZENS just CITIZENS that's because they didn't care who it was..they were AMERICANS...
PICK up your American flag and become and American and be happy you live here..if you don't like it or the way you are treated try another country BUT I DAMN WELL GUARANTEE YOU--you'll come back..it's only here you get the freedom speech to even question the government and ask for them to apologize to you...Like I said the ONLY way we are going to be a COUNTRY OF ONE to steal the Army's slogan...is to become ONE and that's to stop fighting as blacks and whites and fight as AMERICANS...
Friday, September 01, 2006
My Week in A Nutshell !!!
alternative title...***men are such flippin babies***
The creeping crud has been going around here..the kids got it, I got it, then the biggest baby of all got it--yup Steven...lord have mercy you would've thought the world ended...oh wait it did didn't it??? he was SICK...he had a runny nose and his sinuses were killing him...he was walking around like a lion with a thorn in it's paw--screaming at everyone who crossed his path, bitching at me every 3 seconds for DARING to ask for help with the kids...God Forbid...
Who is home with the kids all day while he's at work, even if I'm not feeling well?? OH him?? ok...
Who stayed with the kids all summer while he was in a hotel room...oh he was at school...oh yes that was hard..I'm sorry...you're right....
Usually now he's very good about helping out on the weekend with the kids, but when he doesn't feel well.....well really the beast from "Beauty and the Beast" doesn't seem so bad.
~~Connor...oh Lord the Terrible Two's are HERE I Cannot keep him out of ANYTHING. He climbs, sneaks, gets into every-flippin-thing and have I mentioned his dislike of anything resembling clothing??? That I wouldn't mind except he likes to open the door when someone rings the doorbell and usually he's pulling at well his favorite appendage...Really starts good conversations with my neighbors.
~~Lizzie...runs the house...seriously..I'm giving her the checkbook and letting her go...She will come up to me.."Mom..your laundry is done..you need to fold it"..."Mom..you need to pick up the floor".."Mom..I don't have any clothes"..
~~Katherine..Considering Boarding school...they do that in Europe..I'll send her now..and she can come back when she's 18..if I like her then..I'll keep her..if not..well she's 18. No, her mouth, attitude, etc...I don't know how long I can go on..I'm about to just ground her for the rest of the YEAR. Send her to her room as soon as she gets home from school and let her leave in the morning to go to school...
~~Me..Mary Poppins..Perfect as Always...
The creeping crud has been going around here..the kids got it, I got it, then the biggest baby of all got it--yup Steven...lord have mercy you would've thought the world ended...oh wait it did didn't it??? he was SICK...he had a runny nose and his sinuses were killing him...he was walking around like a lion with a thorn in it's paw--screaming at everyone who crossed his path, bitching at me every 3 seconds for DARING to ask for help with the kids...God Forbid...
Who is home with the kids all day while he's at work, even if I'm not feeling well?? OH him?? ok...
Who stayed with the kids all summer while he was in a hotel room...oh he was at school...oh yes that was hard..I'm sorry...you're right....
Usually now he's very good about helping out on the weekend with the kids, but when he doesn't feel well.....well really the beast from "Beauty and the Beast" doesn't seem so bad.
~~Connor...oh Lord the Terrible Two's are HERE I Cannot keep him out of ANYTHING. He climbs, sneaks, gets into every-flippin-thing and have I mentioned his dislike of anything resembling clothing??? That I wouldn't mind except he likes to open the door when someone rings the doorbell and usually he's pulling at well his favorite appendage...Really starts good conversations with my neighbors.
~~Lizzie...runs the house...seriously..I'm giving her the checkbook and letting her go...She will come up to me.."Mom..your laundry is done..you need to fold it"..."Mom..you need to pick up the floor".."Mom..I don't have any clothes"..
~~Katherine..Considering Boarding school...they do that in Europe..I'll send her now..and she can come back when she's 18..if I like her then..I'll keep her..if not..well she's 18. No, her mouth, attitude, etc...I don't know how long I can go on..I'm about to just ground her for the rest of the YEAR. Send her to her room as soon as she gets home from school and let her leave in the morning to go to school...
~~Me..Mary Poppins..Perfect as Always...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Well, I'm done with this months' issue of the newsletter...24 pages in all...It took 4-flippin-ever this weekend..and a few...nasty emails from people to get the things in that needed to be in..but it's done...that's off my mind (at least for another month LOL)...
What?? I didn't tell you what I'm talking about..dumb me..here's the story...My friend (the one who's having probs with her DH (and I don't mean dear here either) ) was picked, signed up, I'm not sure what one...whatever...to be the editor for the newsletter for the wives club here..I was going to be her co-editor...(ya know sit in the background eating popcorn, watching TV while she actually did the work..then just check it over for typos, etc..sounded great to me..)...and then her DH goes and does what he did, she had to drop out and I became editor (I honestly thought it was only going to be for a little while until he came to his senses, looks like he lost those--but that is another story) so now..I'm the editor and the first edition is going to be out for September. I gave everyone a due date of August 25 (Friday.)..hoping Thursday things would start trickling in..I started checking my email..nothing...Friday morning..nothing...Friday afternoon..a little..(read 2 or 3) trickle..but I had still started it...Friday evening and Saturday yep that's when they turned it in...It took hours of doing it..sending it to the president to be approved, she doing something, fixing it, sending it back, well I could keep going here..
But it's done, at the printer, done...--Until next month..
What?? I didn't tell you what I'm talking about..dumb me..here's the story...My friend (the one who's having probs with her DH (and I don't mean dear here either) ) was picked, signed up, I'm not sure what one...whatever...to be the editor for the newsletter for the wives club here..I was going to be her co-editor...(ya know sit in the background eating popcorn, watching TV while she actually did the work..then just check it over for typos, etc..sounded great to me..)...and then her DH goes and does what he did, she had to drop out and I became editor (I honestly thought it was only going to be for a little while until he came to his senses, looks like he lost those--but that is another story) so now..I'm the editor and the first edition is going to be out for September. I gave everyone a due date of August 25 (Friday.)..hoping Thursday things would start trickling in..I started checking my email..nothing...Friday morning..nothing...Friday afternoon..a little..(read 2 or 3) trickle..but I had still started it...Friday evening and Saturday yep that's when they turned it in...It took hours of doing it..sending it to the president to be approved, she doing something, fixing it, sending it back, well I could keep going here..
But it's done, at the printer, done...--Until next month..
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Here's the cake..
Let's see if Blogger will let me post a pic today???

YAY..it's apparently back to liking me...notice the little YAY ME in the corner??...yep that was the work of none other...
In other news...the kids start back to school on the 28th...can I get a woo hoo...they look forward to summer I look forward to the end of summer..what can I say..:D

YAY..it's apparently back to liking me...notice the little YAY ME in the corner??...yep that was the work of none other...
In other news...the kids start back to school on the 28th...can I get a woo hoo...they look forward to summer I look forward to the end of summer..what can I say..:D
Monday, August 21, 2006
UGHHH Blogger is killin me..
Wow...I can't get my pics to post..why?? it hates me..ughhhhhhhhhh...
anywho...I was going to post a pic of the cake maybe tommorrow...maybe...
anywho...I was going to post a pic of the cake maybe tommorrow...maybe...
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Out of the Mouth of Babes
You just can't make this stuff up!!
Lizzie: Can I spend the night with ******?
Steven: No
Lizzie: I can just sneak out.
Steven: What did you say?
Lizzie: Something wrong.
Lizzie: Can I spend the night with ******?
Steven: No
Lizzie: I can just sneak out.
Steven: What did you say?
Lizzie: Something wrong.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I've been a BUSY LIL BEE
So my faithful...(ok y'all can stop the laughing NOW) friends...I've been as busy as all get out lately...Let me catch you up with just my last week
My friend..lets just call her **A**'s hubby decided he wanted a divorce way back around the beginning of July, well things Seem to be looking maybe up for her..he has at least agreed to counseling to "make sure he isn't making the wrong decision"...She has forgiven him for his "transgressions" but I haven't so maybe we (him and I) might need counseling also??? (Well short of me hanging him up by his gonads on the bases pride and joy)
Because **A** had to deal with her own life I took over some of her other responsibilites having to do with the OCSC (Officer Civilian Spouses Club) to some...to my enlisted friends (Old Witches Coven)...and I've been working on their website gi ahead and give it a click and feel free to give me glowing compliments...only glowing ones mind you..Thank you...I'm also going to be editing their newsletter...It's actually been quite fun...:D
I've been shopping :sigh: for Katherine's school items and well that's beenlots fun let me tell you. She just get's mouthier and mouthier as the day's go by...Makes me just want to do as the Europeans do and send her to boarding school until she turns 18...Not a bad idea really...
Steven had a heartbeat and was breathing so he made First Lt. WE had to buy the cake and the sodas for his promotion party as ORDERED by his boss...OK not really ordered but strongly suggested..so I (well y'all know me) had them put on his cake on the edge Yay ME!!!
My friend..lets just call her **A**'s hubby decided he wanted a divorce way back around the beginning of July, well things Seem to be looking maybe up for her..he has at least agreed to counseling to "make sure he isn't making the wrong decision"...She has forgiven him for his "transgressions" but I haven't so maybe we (him and I) might need counseling also??? (Well short of me hanging him up by his gonads on the bases pride and joy)
Because **A** had to deal with her own life I took over some of her other responsibilites having to do with the OCSC (Officer Civilian Spouses Club) to some...to my enlisted friends (Old Witches Coven)...and I've been working on their website gi ahead and give it a click and feel free to give me glowing compliments...only glowing ones mind you..Thank you...I'm also going to be editing their newsletter...It's actually been quite fun...:D
I've been shopping :sigh: for Katherine's school items and well that's been
Steven had a heartbeat and was breathing so he made First Lt. WE had to buy the cake and the sodas for his promotion party as ORDERED by his boss...OK not really ordered but strongly suggested..so I (well y'all know me) had them put on his cake on the edge Yay ME!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
10 Pack....
Watching Annapolis today Katherine said the guy looked like he had a "10 pack" well that's one well built man....
Shoot I gotta go back and watch that movie again...I've heard of a 6-pack before but never a 10-pack....
Shoot I gotta go back and watch that movie again...I've heard of a 6-pack before but never a 10-pack....
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Thursday Thirteen.

**Thank you Nello Design for the banner**
I haven't done one of these in a few weeks but I feel it's time to start again...(the hubz is back home and life is getting back to normal LOL) so this week's Thursday Thirteen is dedicated to an ASSWIPE WHO DEPLOYED TO THE AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY....Thirteen Reasons I think you are a WEAK COWARDLY LITTLE MAN...
**by the way this IS NOT my hubz..he is still a sweetie..this is my friends...
1. YOU took vows to her...did they not mean anything to you???
2. YOU sent her an EMAIL to ask for a divorce...you couldn't even give her the courtesy to tell her face to face.
3. YOU slept with another woman..which by the way is against the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) in the first place--and punishable with jail time!!
4. YOU are an officer in the military and you are supposed to conduct yourself as one, YET you did not..you conducted yourself as a 12 year old junior high school student.
5. YOU sat there and flip floped for days on her and gave her hope and then you smashed her.
6. SHE is one of the most amazing woman because she still, after all this, wants to give you a chance and worries about YOU
7. I thought YOU were better than this. I don't know this person who is doing this.
8. WHAT THE HELL do you mean you don't love her like a man should a wife and you've been acting to yourself and everyone else?? you can't act that good otherwise you should probably go to Hollywood and get a job Nicholas Cage.
9. WHAT kind of example do you think you are setting for your children...your daughter is 12 and your son is 10..and they know something is going on..are you going to teach them this is the way a MAN ACTS TOWARDS A WOMAN..is this the WAY YOU WANT A MAN TO TREAT YOUR DAUGHTER????
10. YOU left her here to deal with the kids..and explain this situation you created to them..they aren't stupid and they aren't young.
11. BACK to the affair...WHAT THE HELL were you thinking--seriously--I CANNOT CONDONE OR UNDERSTAND THIS...
12. SHE DIDN'T try to "force your hand" by asking you to choose "her friendship" or to "try to repair" your marriage..you need to step back and realize that by having a "friendship" with THAT WOMAN you were still emotionally involved with her.
As always, please leave a comment and a linky here..it's rude to link and run...LOL..
Friday, July 28, 2006

OK well my birthday is over but I still want this shirt..LOL...I'm a slacker...We've been B.U.S.Y. Ya know making Steven get up with the kids, sitting on my slacker butt...that kind of thing.
So lets update you with my birthday..some will find this hil-ar-e-us..
Got up (around 11ish..I'm T.D.Y. this week...meaning I ain't doing nuttin...nuttin I say...) and my friend wanted to take me to lunch..well I had some errands I had to do anyways so we decided to go to a Mexican place off base, by the way Germans and Mexican food=NO GO...we went to lunch, did a few errands and got back home around 3:30-4:00 ish...to CHAOS...the kids had decided to have a BUTTER fight while we were gone...
BUTTER...somehow they got it into their little brains that it would be smart and fun to throw butter onto one another and all over my floor, couches, etc..(by the way..the neighbors kids were here too.)...before I go into it to much let me preface by saying the ages in the house were 12, 11, 10, 4, and 2...While giving a little lecture about acting 3 and throwing butter we get the hitting doors with brooms (10 yo), poking eyes (4 yo), hitting (10 yo) and just general discord around here...Lordy have mercy what went on with these kids...so I just shook my head and went and made a big ole drink...BIG OLE DRINK ...HUGE...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Foot in Mouth Disease..
Yep that's what I have people. Foot in Mouth Disease..I open mouth insert foot...constantly..nothing new here.
It started on a message board...Hubz is in the AF and someone asked about career fields and if one "partied harder" than the rest...well she piped in how they (her and her hubz) were well xxxx and they partied hard...I took offense to that as she isn't in the AF and she is CONSTANTLY throwing around the fact her hubz is an O...jeez louise..who cares...
Anywho..I bitched to a few of my friends..so the other night one of them gets drunk..anyone see where this is going...yep you're right..and tells said person what I said..her feelings are hurt..wahhh she said it..so did I ...
My response..you aren't in the AF..you didn't sign any damn papers, you don't wear a uniform, if your hubby does something wrong the commander doesn't call you on the carpet to explain him....and last time I checked..you didn't do his job so you can in no way call yourself a xxxxx...
Stupid women...so was I wrong???? Would you call yourself a computer genius if that's what your hubz did??? a Dr. if your hubz was one??? etc??? I didn't think so...
But still probably an open mouth insert foot moment...you know play nice...I have to deal with her for the next year as we sit on the same board for the OCSC (officer civilian spouses club)....clean off your keyboard and stop laughing Toni...seriously your going to hurt yourself...
It started on a message board...Hubz is in the AF and someone asked about career fields and if one "partied harder" than the rest...well she piped in how they (her and her hubz) were well xxxx and they partied hard...I took offense to that as she isn't in the AF and she is CONSTANTLY throwing around the fact her hubz is an O...jeez louise..who cares...
Anywho..I bitched to a few of my friends..so the other night one of them gets drunk..anyone see where this is going...yep you're right..and tells said person what I said..her feelings are hurt..wahhh she said it..so did I ...
My response..you aren't in the AF..you didn't sign any damn papers, you don't wear a uniform, if your hubby does something wrong the commander doesn't call you on the carpet to explain him....and last time I checked..you didn't do his job so you can in no way call yourself a xxxxx...
Stupid women...so was I wrong???? Would you call yourself a computer genius if that's what your hubz did??? a Dr. if your hubz was one??? etc??? I didn't think so...
But still probably an open mouth insert foot moment...you know play nice...I have to deal with her for the next year as we sit on the same board for the OCSC (officer civilian spouses club)....clean off your keyboard and stop laughing Toni...seriously your going to hurt yourself...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I'm just as proud as a peacock here. My sister is now a published writer..well published as in she wrote a letter to the editor and it got published but hey..tomato...tomahhhto...you get it...
Shoot I couldn't be any happier if Steven brought me home a BIG OLE HONKING 12,000 BTU AC...Just Sayin...
Anywho..here is a link to the article and then her response...
An article from Charleston.net has been sent to you from Jen. The link to this article is: http://www.charleston.net/stories/default.aspx?newsID=98604§ion=letters.
Not responsible
After reading the article about payback for slavery, I was incensed. I believe that slavery was wrong but do not see the good that would come from giving monetary retribution to descendents of slaves. We (the people of the United States), as a whole, cannot be held responsible for the actions of our ancestors.
My husband is a second generation American. Why should he and his family be held accountable for something that happened many years before his grandparents came over from Italy? And what about the people who had little or nothing and whose families didn't own slaves because they couldn't afford it? These people would be wronged if the United States started a retribution program for descendents of slaves. If a private corporation wants to do this, then fine, but do not hold those who are innocent accountable.
YOU GO GIRL...Now my five fans are calling me..
Shoot I couldn't be any happier if Steven brought me home a BIG OLE HONKING 12,000 BTU AC...Just Sayin...
Anywho..here is a link to the article and then her response...
An article from Charleston.net has been sent to you from Jen. The link to this article is: http://www.charleston.net/stories/default.aspx?newsID=98604§ion=letters.
Not responsible
After reading the article about payback for slavery, I was incensed. I believe that slavery was wrong but do not see the good that would come from giving monetary retribution to descendents of slaves. We (the people of the United States), as a whole, cannot be held responsible for the actions of our ancestors.
My husband is a second generation American. Why should he and his family be held accountable for something that happened many years before his grandparents came over from Italy? And what about the people who had little or nothing and whose families didn't own slaves because they couldn't afford it? These people would be wronged if the United States started a retribution program for descendents of slaves. If a private corporation wants to do this, then fine, but do not hold those who are innocent accountable.
YOU GO GIRL...Now my five fans are calling me..
Friday, July 21, 2006
I'm Melting.
I'm MELTING...and NO not because I'm the Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz and someone just doused me with water...(although about now..that sounds GREAT), but because I'm in Germany and it's 90 flippin 5 degree's outside. Now, if I had an Air Conditioner it would be wonderful, but does the Air Force feel us Pee ons in Germany need an Air Conditioner......
It doesn't get hot enough apparently...that's why it's 90 flippin 5 degree's outside...we are sitting here in the house...Naked...well almost..the kids are running around in just undies, Connor is naked..(I know shocking LOL) and me well don't let the neighbors know but I'm in my bra and undies....
QUIT LAUGHING I DID PUT THE DAMN ROLLING BLINDS DOWN....sheesh I wouldn't want to scare the neighborhood boys off s.e.x for life now would I???
Now if you don't mind...me and my 5 fans need to have some one on one time because to be honest they have become more important to me than well Steven or BOB...(hey you clicked don't blame me for that one...)
It doesn't get hot enough apparently...that's why it's 90 flippin 5 degree's outside...we are sitting here in the house...Naked...well almost..the kids are running around in just undies, Connor is naked..(I know shocking LOL) and me well don't let the neighbors know but I'm in my bra and undies....
QUIT LAUGHING I DID PUT THE DAMN ROLLING BLINDS DOWN....sheesh I wouldn't want to scare the neighborhood boys off s.e.x for life now would I???
Now if you don't mind...me and my 5 fans need to have some one on one time because to be honest they have become more important to me than well Steven or BOB...(hey you clicked don't blame me for that one...)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
AHHH It's the Life for me...
Connor has decided that he no longer--you know now he's 2 and all--needs to take a nap..
I'd be a little more umm insistent but the little shit BROKE his crib---yes I said BROKE...tore apart broke...I tried to fix it like the little redneck my daddy taught me to be (with duct tape) but he got that off too, so I had to put him in his pack and play until Steven gets home..(Sunday, but I'm not counting the day's)
So, anyways, since he's decided he's too old to take a nap and he also wants to party late into the evening I've had to come up with a way to make him TIRED OUT so he goes to SLEEP easier at night..hence the hours and hours of outside play we've been doing.
I have my set up (chair, footstool, TV tray, book, glass of water, both phones--German and Stateside) and they have the pool, slip and slide, etc etc etc...play play play...by the time we get in they are TIRED and ready for sleep...only problem is he wants to fall asleep when he eats which requires a quick out of the high chair--let him play some more until he is almost out on the floor then put him too bed...
Maybe I'll post pics tommorrow...ya know if the digital camera decides it's one of those day's it can work...
I'd be a little more umm insistent but the little shit BROKE his crib---yes I said BROKE...tore apart broke...I tried to fix it like the little redneck my daddy taught me to be (with duct tape) but he got that off too, so I had to put him in his pack and play until Steven gets home..(Sunday, but I'm not counting the day's)
So, anyways, since he's decided he's too old to take a nap and he also wants to party late into the evening I've had to come up with a way to make him TIRED OUT so he goes to SLEEP easier at night..hence the hours and hours of outside play we've been doing.
I have my set up (chair, footstool, TV tray, book, glass of water, both phones--German and Stateside) and they have the pool, slip and slide, etc etc etc...play play play...by the time we get in they are TIRED and ready for sleep...only problem is he wants to fall asleep when he eats which requires a quick out of the high chair--let him play some more until he is almost out on the floor then put him too bed...
Maybe I'll post pics tommorrow...ya know if the digital camera decides it's one of those day's it can work...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Porn Star
My neighbors boy told her today he knew what a Porn star was...she was afraid to ask but she did...
apparently a porn star is a person who are you ready.....
sings naked....
I'm a PORN STAR....
are you???
apparently a porn star is a person who are you ready.....
sings naked....
I'm a PORN STAR....
are you???
This just makes me ILL
Ok now bear with me..I'm SO NOT a political person. I don't play the politics game. I sit back and watch so my sister Jennifer calls tonight and tells me to go to my hometown paper and read an article
this is taken from the Charleston, South Carolina Post and Courier's website Charleston.net
Associated Press
Advocates who say black Americans should be compensated for slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath are quietly chalking up victories and gaining momentum.
Fueled by the work of scholars and lawyers, their campaign has morphed in recent years from a fringe-group rallying cry into a sophisticated, mainstream movement. Most recently, a pair of churches apologized for their part in the slave trade, and one is studying ways to repay black church members.
The overall issue is hardly settled, even among black Americans. Some say that focusing on slavery shouldn't be a top priority or that it doesn't make sense to compensate people generations after a historical wrong.
Yet reparations efforts have led a number of cities and states to approve measures that force businesses to publicize their historical ties to slavery. Several reparations court cases are in progress, and international human rights officials are increasingly spotlighting the issue.
"This matter is growing in significance rather than declining," said Charles Ogletree, a Harvard law professor and a leading reparations activist. "It has more vigor and vitality in the 21st century than it's had in the history of the reparations movement."
The most recent victories for reparations advocates came in June, when the Moravian Church and the Episcopal Church apologized for owning slaves, and promised to battle current racism.
The Episcopalians also launched a national, yearslong investigation into church slavery links and into whether the church should compensate black members. A white church member, Katrina Browne, also screened, at the denomination's national assembly, a documentary focusing on white culpability.
The Episcopalians debated slavery and reparations for years before reaching an agreement, said Jayne Oasin, social justice officer for the denomination, who will oversee its work on the issue.
Historically, slavery was an uncomfortable topic for the church. Some Episcopal bishops owned slaves, and the Bible was used to justify the practice, Oasin said.
"Why not (take these steps) 100 years ago?" she said. "Let's talk about the complicity of the Episcopal Church as one of the institutions of this country who, of course, benefited from slavery."
Also in June, a North Carolina commission urged the state government to repay the descendants of victims of a violent 1898 campaign by white supremacists to strip blacks of power in Wilmington, N.C. As many as 60 blacks died, and thousands were driven from the city.
The commission also recommended state-funded programs to support local black businesses and home ownership.
The report came weeks after the Organization of American States requested information from the U.S. government about a 1921 race riot in Tulsa, Okla., in which 1,200 homes were burned and as many as 300 blacks were killed. An OAS official said the group might pursue the issue as a violation of international human rights.
The modern reparations movement revived an idea that's been around since emancipation, when black leaders argued that newly freed slaves deserved compensation.
About six years ago the issue started gaining momentum again. Randall Robinson's "The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks," was a best seller; reparations became a central issue at the World Conference on Racism in Durban, South Africa; and California legislators passed the nation's first law forcing insurance companies that do business with the state to disclose their slavery ties. Illinois passed a similar insurance law in 2003, and the next year Iowa legislators began requesting, but not forcing, the same disclosures.
Several cities, including Chicago, Detroit and Oakland, Calif., have laws requiring that all businesses make such disclosures.
Reparations opponents insist that no living American should have to pay for a practice that ended more than 140 years ago. Plus, programs such as affirmative action and welfare already have compensated for past injustices, said John McWhorter, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.
"The reparations movement is based on a fallacy that cripples the thinking on race, the fallacy that what ails black America is a cash problem," said McWhorter, who is black. "Giving people money will not solve the problems that we have."
Even so, support is reaching beyond blacks and the South.
Katrina Browne, the white Episcopalian filmmaker, is finishing a documentary about her ancestors, the DeWolfs of Bristol, R.I., the biggest slave-trading family in U.S. history. She screened it for Episcopal Church officials at the June convention.
"Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North" details how the economies of the Northeast and the nation as a whole depended on slaves.
"A lot of white people think they know everything there is to know about slavery. We all agree it was wrong and that's enough," Browne said. "But this was the foundation of our country, not some Southern anomaly. We all inherit responsibility."
She says neither whites nor blacks will heal from slavery until formal hearings expose the full history of slavery and its effects.
A look at slavery reparations efforts
Some key recent developments in the push for slavery reparations:
--Every year since 1989, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has pushed unsuccessfully for a federal law ordering a study of reparations.
--Disclosure laws have prompted companies including health provider Aetna Inc. and financiers Lehman Brothers and Wachovia Corp. to apologize for slavery ties. After JPMorgan Chase reported that two of its predecessor banks owned more than 1,200 Louisiana slaves taken as collateral in the 1800s, the bank established a $5 million scholarship fund for Louisiana blacks.
--Several lawsuits against 19 insurance, textile, railroad, financial services and tobacco companies with similar ties are making their way through federal courts.
--Advocates are calling for boycotts until such companies make reparations, said Kibibi Tyehimba, national co-chair of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, or N'COBRA.
--Academics are researching the issue and publicizing their work at conferences, including one in February at the University of California, Berkeley, and two in March at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Another is scheduled this month in Ghana.
Ok now here's my lil ole rant..and I'll just put on my flame suit afterword. First of all..Why in the HELL am I paying for something my so called ancestors did...(and I know my ancestors didn't even do it cuz we were the poor damn white southern people..hell we were probably with the slaves too).
Second, how did it exactly hurt the one's alive today that their ANCESTORS were slaves and they need reparations and "black only" housing and business loans. I could understand if we were giving reparation to people who were slaves but come on..people whose ancestors were slaves..give me a break. Why don't we just say that my ancestors were poor white immigrants so I need reparations because I feel they were discriminated against by the rich white immigrants.
Why are we apologizing to people that we haven't hurt?? Why don't I just go over to the neighbors and apologize because she got a paper cut from licking an envelope??
I just think Black, White, Green, Red, Yellow, or Purple we are all human and we need to get over this shit. It's stupid and idiotic. We need to move forward and become one with each other. How can we expect our children to not look at color, outside looks,etc and to see the beauty within each other when we can't even get over something that happened to our ANCESTORS over 140 years ago. I personally teach my children that everyone brings something to the table and no matter what they look like or act like that there is something about everyone that is unique and beautiful, sometimes we have look to look hard but it is there.
this is taken from the Charleston, South Carolina Post and Courier's website Charleston.net
Slavery: Paybacks coming?By ERIN TEXEIRA
Reparations activists gaining momentum
Associated Press
Advocates who say black Americans should be compensated for slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath are quietly chalking up victories and gaining momentum.
Fueled by the work of scholars and lawyers, their campaign has morphed in recent years from a fringe-group rallying cry into a sophisticated, mainstream movement. Most recently, a pair of churches apologized for their part in the slave trade, and one is studying ways to repay black church members.
The overall issue is hardly settled, even among black Americans. Some say that focusing on slavery shouldn't be a top priority or that it doesn't make sense to compensate people generations after a historical wrong.
Yet reparations efforts have led a number of cities and states to approve measures that force businesses to publicize their historical ties to slavery. Several reparations court cases are in progress, and international human rights officials are increasingly spotlighting the issue.
"This matter is growing in significance rather than declining," said Charles Ogletree, a Harvard law professor and a leading reparations activist. "It has more vigor and vitality in the 21st century than it's had in the history of the reparations movement."
The most recent victories for reparations advocates came in June, when the Moravian Church and the Episcopal Church apologized for owning slaves, and promised to battle current racism.
The Episcopalians also launched a national, yearslong investigation into church slavery links and into whether the church should compensate black members. A white church member, Katrina Browne, also screened, at the denomination's national assembly, a documentary focusing on white culpability.
The Episcopalians debated slavery and reparations for years before reaching an agreement, said Jayne Oasin, social justice officer for the denomination, who will oversee its work on the issue.
Historically, slavery was an uncomfortable topic for the church. Some Episcopal bishops owned slaves, and the Bible was used to justify the practice, Oasin said.
"Why not (take these steps) 100 years ago?" she said. "Let's talk about the complicity of the Episcopal Church as one of the institutions of this country who, of course, benefited from slavery."
Also in June, a North Carolina commission urged the state government to repay the descendants of victims of a violent 1898 campaign by white supremacists to strip blacks of power in Wilmington, N.C. As many as 60 blacks died, and thousands were driven from the city.
The commission also recommended state-funded programs to support local black businesses and home ownership.
The report came weeks after the Organization of American States requested information from the U.S. government about a 1921 race riot in Tulsa, Okla., in which 1,200 homes were burned and as many as 300 blacks were killed. An OAS official said the group might pursue the issue as a violation of international human rights.
The modern reparations movement revived an idea that's been around since emancipation, when black leaders argued that newly freed slaves deserved compensation.
About six years ago the issue started gaining momentum again. Randall Robinson's "The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks," was a best seller; reparations became a central issue at the World Conference on Racism in Durban, South Africa; and California legislators passed the nation's first law forcing insurance companies that do business with the state to disclose their slavery ties. Illinois passed a similar insurance law in 2003, and the next year Iowa legislators began requesting, but not forcing, the same disclosures.
Several cities, including Chicago, Detroit and Oakland, Calif., have laws requiring that all businesses make such disclosures.
Reparations opponents insist that no living American should have to pay for a practice that ended more than 140 years ago. Plus, programs such as affirmative action and welfare already have compensated for past injustices, said John McWhorter, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.
"The reparations movement is based on a fallacy that cripples the thinking on race, the fallacy that what ails black America is a cash problem," said McWhorter, who is black. "Giving people money will not solve the problems that we have."
Even so, support is reaching beyond blacks and the South.
Katrina Browne, the white Episcopalian filmmaker, is finishing a documentary about her ancestors, the DeWolfs of Bristol, R.I., the biggest slave-trading family in U.S. history. She screened it for Episcopal Church officials at the June convention.
"Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North" details how the economies of the Northeast and the nation as a whole depended on slaves.
"A lot of white people think they know everything there is to know about slavery. We all agree it was wrong and that's enough," Browne said. "But this was the foundation of our country, not some Southern anomaly. We all inherit responsibility."
She says neither whites nor blacks will heal from slavery until formal hearings expose the full history of slavery and its effects.
A look at slavery reparations efforts
Some key recent developments in the push for slavery reparations:
--Every year since 1989, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has pushed unsuccessfully for a federal law ordering a study of reparations.
--Disclosure laws have prompted companies including health provider Aetna Inc. and financiers Lehman Brothers and Wachovia Corp. to apologize for slavery ties. After JPMorgan Chase reported that two of its predecessor banks owned more than 1,200 Louisiana slaves taken as collateral in the 1800s, the bank established a $5 million scholarship fund for Louisiana blacks.
--Several lawsuits against 19 insurance, textile, railroad, financial services and tobacco companies with similar ties are making their way through federal courts.
--Advocates are calling for boycotts until such companies make reparations, said Kibibi Tyehimba, national co-chair of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, or N'COBRA.
--Academics are researching the issue and publicizing their work at conferences, including one in February at the University of California, Berkeley, and two in March at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Another is scheduled this month in Ghana.
Ok now here's my lil ole rant..and I'll just put on my flame suit afterword. First of all..Why in the HELL am I paying for something my so called ancestors did...(and I know my ancestors didn't even do it cuz we were the poor damn white southern people..hell we were probably with the slaves too).
Second, how did it exactly hurt the one's alive today that their ANCESTORS were slaves and they need reparations and "black only" housing and business loans. I could understand if we were giving reparation to people who were slaves but come on..people whose ancestors were slaves..give me a break. Why don't we just say that my ancestors were poor white immigrants so I need reparations because I feel they were discriminated against by the rich white immigrants.
Why are we apologizing to people that we haven't hurt?? Why don't I just go over to the neighbors and apologize because she got a paper cut from licking an envelope??
I just think Black, White, Green, Red, Yellow, or Purple we are all human and we need to get over this shit. It's stupid and idiotic. We need to move forward and become one with each other. How can we expect our children to not look at color, outside looks,etc and to see the beauty within each other when we can't even get over something that happened to our ANCESTORS over 140 years ago. I personally teach my children that everyone brings something to the table and no matter what they look like or act like that there is something about everyone that is unique and beautiful, sometimes we have look to look hard but it is there.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Proud Mommy
So, my friends Katherine went to get her hair cut the other day..
Here is a before picture:

and an after picture:

She donated 11 inches to Locks of Love

I'm so proud of her...extra kudos go out to her for that..
Now someone explain to me why exactly I paid $95.00 for this haircut/color for a hormonal 11 year old???
Here is a before picture:

and an after picture:

She donated 11 inches to Locks of Love

I'm so proud of her...extra kudos go out to her for that..
Now someone explain to me why exactly I paid $95.00 for this haircut/color for a hormonal 11 year old???
Monday, July 10, 2006
Mr. Fabulous's Fun Lil Meme...
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch, but now I'm here in Europe the Germans have this great salad dressing I've fallen in LOVE with..if only I could find out what it is...
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? geez we should say..what can you get over here....ummm Taco Bell...but I sooo miss Wendy's...
What is your favorite sit down restaurant? There are some GREAT restaurants here, my personal fave is one called Roma's ...authentic Italian..yum yum.
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%.
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? hmm probably Ramen..you can do ANYTHING to Ramen
Name three foods you detest above all others. Fish, LIVER, I honestly can't think of another one...
What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? Chicken Fried Rice.
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Supreme..yummy
What do you like to put on your toast? Just butter 95% of the time
What is your favorite type of gum? spearmint
Number of contacts in your cell phone? None...I can't even remember I have one to take it with me half the time..
Number of contacts in your email address book? 60, but some of them were auto-added.
What is your wallpaper on your computer? umm I think windows OS. might change it though hmm
What is your screensaver on your computer? no clue..should I pay attention to these things??
Are there naked pictures saved on your computer? Probably of the kids in the bath. they're my kids you know how it is...
How many land line phones do you have in your house? 3
How many televisions are in your house? 2
What kitchen appliance do you use the least? I guess the toaster honestly
What is the format of the radio station you listen to the most? I listen to my Musicmatch on my Dell and in my car AFN radio
How many sex toys do you own that require batteries?1 and one on the way :D
What do you consider to be your best physical attribute? my hubby says it's my bottom
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed.
Do you like your smile? not really.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? wisdom teeth and appendix
Would you like to? what ele do you want. seriously??
Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom? I prefer to go alone but I have kids, which leaves out reading or doing anything but having dumb conversations.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? My woman's intution..LOL..figure that one out...;)
When was the last time you had a cavity? I have some now, but I have to wait till the hubs gets home for them to do work because I'm a big baby and they have to put me to sleep to do work.
What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? let's see Lizzie is about 35 lbs I think
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? not that I remember no
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Nah, what's the point??
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? hmm I think I want to change it to Amber.
How do you express your artistic side? my blog and scrapbooking
What color do you think you look best in? pink or maybe blue??
How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? Probably be OK...I have lived with my family.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? yep.
If we weren’t bound by society’s conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? hmm No.
How often do you go to church? Not often enough.
Have you ever saved someone’s life? No, I can't say that I have.
Has someone ever saved yours? Well, maybe unintentionally they did yes.
For this last section, if you would do it for less or more money, indicate how much
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? How drunk am I??? Because the drunker I get the lower the price would be.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? I've done it for a bar tab.
Would you have sex with a member of the same sex for $10,000? ALOT more.
Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? could I have some drugs first???
Would you never blog again for $50,000? I don't think so. I think this is good and theraputic for me and my family.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? More and then we would have to pay the people who's eyes would see it...
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? After Mr. FAb does it and I see what happens to him I'll let you know.
Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? No couldn't do it...well some people I probably would do it for free to be perfectly honest.
Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? number one OUCH..number two give me more..much more..
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? sure...have you seen the choices I get over here?? no prob.
Tag some people you love, or offer it up to your peeps. Or send me(Mr. Fabulous) an email with naked pictures of yourself.
Those are your only three options.
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch, but now I'm here in Europe the Germans have this great salad dressing I've fallen in LOVE with..if only I could find out what it is...
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? geez we should say..what can you get over here....ummm Taco Bell...but I sooo miss Wendy's...
What is your favorite sit down restaurant? There are some GREAT restaurants here, my personal fave is one called Roma's ...authentic Italian..yum yum.
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%.
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? hmm probably Ramen..you can do ANYTHING to Ramen
Name three foods you detest above all others. Fish, LIVER, I honestly can't think of another one...
What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? Chicken Fried Rice.
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Supreme..yummy
What do you like to put on your toast? Just butter 95% of the time
What is your favorite type of gum? spearmint
Number of contacts in your cell phone? None...I can't even remember I have one to take it with me half the time..
Number of contacts in your email address book? 60, but some of them were auto-added.
What is your wallpaper on your computer? umm I think windows OS. might change it though hmm
What is your screensaver on your computer? no clue..should I pay attention to these things??
Are there naked pictures saved on your computer? Probably of the kids in the bath. they're my kids you know how it is...
How many land line phones do you have in your house? 3
How many televisions are in your house? 2
What kitchen appliance do you use the least? I guess the toaster honestly
What is the format of the radio station you listen to the most? I listen to my Musicmatch on my Dell and in my car AFN radio
How many sex toys do you own that require batteries?1 and one on the way :D
What do you consider to be your best physical attribute? my hubby says it's my bottom
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed.
Do you like your smile? not really.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? wisdom teeth and appendix
Would you like to? what ele do you want. seriously??
Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom? I prefer to go alone but I have kids, which leaves out reading or doing anything but having dumb conversations.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? My woman's intution..LOL..figure that one out...;)
When was the last time you had a cavity? I have some now, but I have to wait till the hubs gets home for them to do work because I'm a big baby and they have to put me to sleep to do work.
What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? let's see Lizzie is about 35 lbs I think
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? not that I remember no
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Nah, what's the point??
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? hmm I think I want to change it to Amber.
How do you express your artistic side? my blog and scrapbooking
What color do you think you look best in? pink or maybe blue??
How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? Probably be OK...I have lived with my family.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? yep.
If we weren’t bound by society’s conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? hmm No.
How often do you go to church? Not often enough.
Have you ever saved someone’s life? No, I can't say that I have.
Has someone ever saved yours? Well, maybe unintentionally they did yes.
For this last section, if you would do it for less or more money, indicate how much
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? How drunk am I??? Because the drunker I get the lower the price would be.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? I've done it for a bar tab.
Would you have sex with a member of the same sex for $10,000? ALOT more.
Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? could I have some drugs first???
Would you never blog again for $50,000? I don't think so. I think this is good and theraputic for me and my family.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? More and then we would have to pay the people who's eyes would see it...
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? After Mr. FAb does it and I see what happens to him I'll let you know.
Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? No couldn't do it...well some people I probably would do it for free to be perfectly honest.
Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? number one OUCH..number two give me more..much more..
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? sure...have you seen the choices I get over here?? no prob.
Tag some people you love, or offer it up to your peeps. Or send me(Mr. Fabulous) an email with naked pictures of yourself.
Those are your only three options.
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